These buttons are created by external scripts from the respective social network. We leave the entire rendering and functionality to them and they are, therefore, placed inside iframes so that their scripts can freely access and modify the HTML they need. There are six sites that offer this functionality - Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Yammer and Pinterest. These buttons can only be present in the MainButtons collection. Since they are created via JavaScript their markup can only be inspected with a developer tool like the IE dev toolbar or Firebug. It will not be present in the original source of the page (right click -> view source).
Facebook's buttons
The buttons Facebook generate are not standard HTML and will often throw JavaScript errors on the page. Adding the following namespaces to the
tag alleviates the issue somewhat:
<html xmlns="" xmlns:fb="">
More information on the matter is available in the Facebook Specifics help article, in the section called Facebook Requirements.
To activate them you need to place a <telerik:RadFacebookButton />
in the MainButtons collection. This allows you to not only set our UrlToShare property, but also to control the other options that Facebook provides:
ButtonType - determines the exact functionality the button will offer. Possible options are:
FacebookShare (deprecated) - creates a Share button
FacebookShare button has been officially deprecated by Facebook in favor of the FacebookLike button. More information on this topic is available in the "What happened to the old Share button?" section, located in Button options for Facebook buttons Facebook article.
FacebookLike - creates a Like button
FacebookSend - creates a Send button
FacebookRecommend - creates a Recommend button
If both a FacebookLike and FacebookSend buttons are present in the collection Facebook automatically combines them in a new, bigger button even if they are not adjacent. This is a feature from Facebook and there is no way to prevent it.
ButtonLayout - determines the layout of the button. Possible options are:
Standard - displays social text to the right of the button and friends' profile photos below. Minimum width: 225 pixels.Default width: 450 pixels. Height: 35 pixels (without photos) or 80 pixels (with photos).
Icon - specific for the Share button - renders as images only
IconLink - specific for the Share button - renders as a small image and text
BoxCount - displays the total number of likes above the button. Minimum width: 55 pixels. Default width: 55 pixels. Height: 65 pixels.
ButtonCount - the default value. It displays the total number of likes to the right of the button. Minimum width: 90 pixels.Default width: 90 pixels. Height: 20 pixels
ShowFaces - specifies whether to display profile photos below the button (standard layout only). True by default.
ColorScheme- the color scheme for the like button. Options are:
Font - the font to display in the button. Options are:
ReferralsLabel - a label for tracking referrals; must be less than 50 characters and can contain alphanumeric characters and some punctuation.
Width - the width of the Like button
Twitter Button
To show this button add the <telerik:RadTwitterButton />
to the MainButtons collection. The extra option it provides is the CounterMode property. It can take the following values:
Horizontal - the counter is shown next to the button
Vertical - the counter is shown above the button
None - there is no counter
Google Plus One Button
Google Plus social network has been officially shutdown by Google. More information on this topic is available at FAQ about the Google Plus shutdown. The RadGoogleButton does not render and is not functional anymore.
To add this button you need the <telerik:RadGoogleButton /
> in the MainButtons collection.This allows you to add the following options to the button:
ButtonSize - The button size to render. This also controls the way annotations (counters) are displayed (i.e., the AnnotationType property is set to Bubble).The default value is Standard:
AnnotationType - the annotation to display next to the button:
None - do not render any additional annotations
Bubble - display the number of users who have +1'd the page in a graphic next to the button (or above, depending on the size)
Inline - display profile pictures of connected users who have +1'd the page and a count of users who have +1'd the page
Width - if annotation is set to "inline", the width in pixels to use for the button and its inline annotation. If omitted, a button and its inline annotation use 450px.
Also examine the Google browser support, as their buttons will not work under older browsers.
LinkedIn Share Button
To add this button you need the <telerik:RadLinkedInButton />
in the MainButtons collection. This allows you to add the following options to the button:
CounterMode - determines where the counter baloon will display according to the button:
None - do not render the counter
Horizontal - the counter is shown next to the button
Vertical - the coutner is shown above the button
ShowZeroCount - determines whether the counter will show a zero if there are no shares for this URL:
true - there will be a counter that will display a zero
false - there will be no counter
Yammer buttons
Yammer buttons are available since Q1 2013.To activate them you need to add <telerik:RadYammerButton />
in the MainButtons collection. This allows you to add the following options to the button:
ButtonType - determines the exact functionality the button will offer. Possible options are:
Like - creates a Like button
Follow - creates a Follow button
YammerNetwork - Your network permalink
Pinterest buttons
Pinterest buttons are available since Q1 2013 SP1.To activate them you need to add <telerik:RadPinterestButton />
in the MainButtons collection. This allows you to add the following options to the button:
ButtonType - determines the exact functionality the button will offer. Possible options are:
PinIt - creates a Pin button for a particular image
Follow - creates a Follow button
PinPageImage - This is the popular Pinterest Pin it bookmarklet. It creates a Pin button that lets you grabimages and videos from the current site and add them to your Pinterest boards. It does not require anyadditional properties to be set. If the pinnable images have an alt attribute set, it is used as a TitleToShare.
CounterMode (PinIt specific property) - determines where the counter balloon will display according to the button:
Horizontal - the counter is shown next to the button
Vertical - the coutner is shown above the button
None - there is no counter
TitleToShare (PinIt specific property) - Sets the title of the pinned image.The default value is the url of the image.
PinIt button - the URL of the image sent to the Pinterest network. Does not accept a web page URL.
The URL given to Pinterest must point to an image and not to a page like all other networks.
Follow button - the URL of the Pinterest account which is to be followed (e.g.,
).The proper visualization of the follow button requires the omission of the 'www' from the URL of the Pinterest account.
FromUrl (PinIt specific property) - sets a from link (the URL from which the image was pinned) in the Pin.