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CSS Classes

Common Styles / Base Stylesheet

CSS ClassDescription
.RadSocialShareMain Control wrapping element
.sshContentUL element that wraps the icons
.sshListItemclass applied to the list element
.sshLinkItemclass applied to the anchor element
.sshIconspan icon element
.sshTextspan text element
.sshCustomIconspan custom icon element
.sshBlogger, .sshShareOnTwitter, .sshMySpace, .sshDelicious, .sshDigg, .sshSendEmail, .sshGoogleBookmarks, .sshLinkedIn, .sshReddit, .sshStumbleUpon, .sshTumblr, .sshMailTo, .sshCompactButton, .sshShareOnFacebook, .sshShareOnPinterest, .sshShareOnGooglePlus, .sshCustomIconSocial network classes
.sshVerticalModeSocialShare in vertical mode class
.sshComboDropDownSocialShare dropdown
div.sshComboWrapper td.rcbArrowCellRight, div.sshComboWrapper .rcbFocused td.rcbArrowCellRightSocialShare dropdown arrows styles
.sshRtlSocialShare Right to Left mode class

Skin Specific Styles

CSS ClassDescription
.RadSocialShare_SkinNameSocialShare Skin Specific wrapper
.RadSocialShare_SkinNameSocialShare Skin Specific wrapper
.RadSocialShare_SkinName .sshLinkItem .sshTextSocialShare Skin Specific text normal state
.RadSocialShare_SkinName .sshLinkItem:hover .sshTextSocialShare Skin Specific text hovered state
.RadComboBoxDropDown_SkinName .rcbItem .sshLinkItem .sshTextSocialShare Skin Specific combobox text normal state
.RadComboBoxDropDown_SkinName .rcbHovered .sshLinkItem .sshTextSocialShare Skin Specific combobox text hovered state

See Also