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Controlling Appearance

There are a number of ways to customize the look and feel of RadSlider:

  • To change the overall look and feel of the RadSlider control, set its Skin property.

  • To change the layout of RadSlider, use the Orientation property.

  • To change the visibility of handles, use the ShowDragHandle, ShowDecreaseHandle and ShowIncreaseHandle properties.

  • To show two drag handles use the IsSelectionRangeEnabled property

  • To reverse the slider set the IsDirectionReversed property to true

  • To Disable the slider set the Enabled property to false

Visual Examples:

Horizontal Slider:

Horizontal Sliders

From top to bottom: Slider with Items, Slider with Ticks, Slider

Reversed Horizontal Slider:

Reversed Horizontal Sliders

From top to bottom: Slider with Items, Slider with Ticks, Slider

Vertical Slider

Vertical Sliders

From left to right: Slider with Items, Slider with Ticks, Slider

Vertical Slider Reversed

Vertical Sliders Reversed

From left to right: Slider with Items, Slider with Ticks, Slider

Slider with two Drag Handles

Slider with Two Drag Handles

Disabled Slider

Disabled Horizontal Slider

See Also