Year View
The Year View allows you to revise and manage the appointments yearly. You can also group the months horizontally and vertically. In addition to that, this view provides a Tooltip functionality, which allows you to revise the appointments for a given day. You can scroll the list of the appointments, by hovering the most top or most bottom part of the Tooltip.
The Year View is available only for the Lightweight and Mobile render modes.
Year View Settings
ShowDateHeaders - property that can be used to manage the visibility of the Date Headers for each column in the month.
ShowMonthHeaders - property that can be used to manage the visibility of the Month Headers for the months of the Year View.
ColumnHeaderDateFormat - Sets the date format for the Date Headers for each column in the month.
MonthHeaderDateFormat - Sets the date format for the months listed in the Year View.
Year View provides support for Resource grouping namely:
- No Grouping (Basic look)
- Grouped by Resource (Horizontal)
- Grouped by Resource (Vertical)