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Working with Resources

RadScheduler has two properties for maintaining information about custom resources:

  • ResourceTypes is a collection of ResourceType objects. Each ResourceType object holds the information needed to define a resource type, including the Name of the resource type, the DataSource or DataSourceID, KeyField, and TextField values needed to fetch a list of possible values for the resource type, and the ForeignKeyField needed to store resource values with an appointment. ResourceType also includes an AllowMultipleValues property, which a provider uses to indicate that multiple values of that resource type can be assigned to a single appointment.

  • Resources is a collection of Resource objects. Resources has a method, GetResourcesByType, that you can use to filter the collection to list only those resources of a specific resource type. Each Resource object represents a possible value of a resource type. The Resource objects have a Key property, which is stored with the appointment, a Text property, which is the text representation of the resource value, and a Type property, which is the name of the resource type for which it is a value. Resource objects also have an Available property, which determines whether the edit form includes the resource value in the list of possible values that it displays to the user.

Each Appointment object also has a Resources property, which is a collection of Resource objects that is assigned to the appointment. When working with the Resources property of an appointment, use the GetResourceByType method to obtain a reference to the single value of that resource type that is assigned to the appointment. If the resource supports multiple values for a single resource type, you can use the GetResourcesByType method instead.

The resources are rendered as ComboBox controls when the Scheduler's RenderMode is set to Classic and as DropDownList controls when the RenderMode is set to Lightweight.

Avoid setting the name of the Resources to an already existing name or field. For example, setting "Reminder" as a name for the resource leads to non-working resources.


This example shows how to use the Available property to control the availability of a resource. This property is cleared on each data binding, so the list of available resources must be maintained separately from the scheduler.

// store the unavailable resources in the Session state
private const string UsedResourcesSessionKey = "Telerik.Web.Examples.Scheduler.ResourceAvailability.DefaultCS";
private List<Resource> UsedResources
		List<Resource> resources = Session[UsedResourcesSessionKey] as List<Resource>;
		if (resources == null)
			resources = new List<Resource>();
			Session[UsedResourcesSessionKey] = resources;
		return resources;
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
	if (!IsPostBack)
// ReserveResources ensures that every resource in the resources argument is unavailable
private void ReserveResources(ResourceCollection resources)
	foreach (Resource res in resources)
		if (!UsedResources.Contains(res))
// FreeResources ensures that every resource in the resources argument is available
private void FreeResources(ResourceCollection resources)
	foreach (Resource res in resources)
		if (UsedResources.Contains(res))
// The DataBound event of the scheduler sets the Available property
// after the resources are loaded from the database. Note that this
// occurs after all data binding, so that the AppointmentDataBound
// event has already added resources belonging to appointments as in use.
protected void RadScheduler1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
	foreach (Resource res in RadScheduler1.Resources)
		res.Available = !UsedResources.Contains(res);
// The AppointmentDataBound event of the scheduler marks the resources
// that are used by appointments as unavailable.
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentDataBound(object sender, SchedulerEventArgs e)
// The AppointmentInsert event handler updates the list of unavailable
// resources when the user assigns resources to a new appointment
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentInsert(object sender, SchedulerCancelEventArgs e)
// The AppointmentUpdate event handler updates the list of unavailable
// resources based on the changes made when editing an appointment.
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentUpdate(object sender, AppointmentUpdateEventArgs e)
// The AppointmentDelete event handler updates the list of unavailable
// resources to free up any resources that were used by an appointment
// that is now deleted.
protected void RadScheduler1_AppointmentDelete(object sender, SchedulerCancelEventArgs e)

See Also

In this article
ExampleSee Also
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