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PDF Overview

This help article lists all RadScheduler common properties used in the RadScheduler PDF Export.

In order to work appropriately, the PDF Export functionality requires the RadScheduler to be in Classic render mode. This is because, internally, a .NET WebBrowser is used to take a snapshot image of the RadScheduler, which is then wrapped in a PDF document. That browser does not support Lightweight rendering, so the RadScheduler must be in Classic render mode.

Common Properties

You can configure the exporting settings for the scheduler through the RadScheduler.ExportSettings section. Furthermore there is an additional sub-category (Pdf) dedicated on various configuration settings for the exported .pdf document. Here are the available properties:

  • FileName - a string specifying the name (without the extension) of the file that will be created. The file extension is automatically added based on the method that is used.

  • OpenInNewWindow - open the exported scheduler in a new page.

There is an additional sub-category (Pdf) for the ExportSettings dedicated on various configuration settings for the exported .pdf document. Below is a list of them:

As of Q3 2013 SP1 two properties are introduced for this section:StyleSheets and AllowPaging.

  • AllowAdd- Boolean property which determines whether content adding is allowed.

  • AllowCopy- Boolean property which determines whether content copying is allowed.

  • AllowModify- Boolean property which determines whether content modifications are allowed.

  • AllowPaging- Boolean property which determines whether paging are allowed. Page settings article .

  • AllowPrint - Boolean property which determines whether the pdf document can be printed.

  • PageTitle- Sets the title of the page.

  • PageLeftMargin- Sets the left margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageRightMargin- Sets the right margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageTopMargin- Sets the top margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageBottomMargin- Sets the bottom margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageHeaderMargin- Sets the header margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageFooterMargin- Sets the footer margin for the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageHeight- Sets the height of the pages in the pdf document.

  • PageWidth- Sets the width of the pages in the pdf document.

  • StyleSheets- Sets path to the stylesheet files used to style the RadScheduler PDF document.Please note that those path values could be absolute and relative. Using custom style sheet files article .

  • Author- Sets the name of the author of the pdf document.

  • Keywords- Sets the keywords for the pdf document.

  • Subject- Sets the subject of the pdf document.

  • Title- Sets the title of the pdf document.

  • PaperSize- Enumeration which specifies the paper font size. The default value is Letter.

  • PaperOrientation- Enumeration which specifies the paper orienatation - Landscape or Portrait. The default value is Portrait.

  • Producer - Specifies the producer of the resulting pdf document.

  • Creator- Specifies the creator of the resulting pdf document.

Here is an example of how to apply these settings:

<ExportSettings OpenInNewWindow="true" FileName="SchedulerExport">
	<Pdf PageTitle="Schedule" Author="Telerik" Creator="Telerik" Title="Schedule" />
protected void RadButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
	RadScheduler1.ExportSettings.Pdf.PageTitle = "New Title";


The RadScheduler's export functionality will not work if the page is deployed as an Azure Website. In such scenarios we recommend using the RadClientExportManager control to export the RadScheduler's content. Here is a CodeLibrary project that demonstrates the Scheduler client PDF export with ClientExportManager.

See Also