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This help article showcases how to add complex content (server-side controls and HTML elements) in RadPushButton instead of plain text (Figure 1). You can do this both in the markup, or in the code-behind:

Add Elements to RadPushButton in the Markup

In order to add controls to the RadPushButton in the markup, you should place them directly in the composite ContentTemplate property (Example 1).

Figure 1: RadPushButtons with ContentTemplate. The result from Examples 1-3.

RadPushButtons with ContentTemplate

Example 1: Adding controls to ContentTemplate of RadPushButton in the markup.

<telerik:RadPushButton runat="server" ID="RadPushButton1">
        <img alt="cog" src="" />
        <telerik:RadRating RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadRating1" runat="server" Enabled="false" Value="3" SelectionMode="Continuous" ItemCount="5" />

Add Elements to RadPushButton from the Code-behind

You can add controls to RadPushButton from the code-behind in two ways:

  • Add elements to the Controls collection of RadPushButton (Example 2).

    Example 2: Adding controls to the Controls collection of RadPushButton from the code-behind.

      <telerik:RadPushButton runat="server" ID="RadPushButton1" Width="160px" Height="85px">
      protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
      	Image buttonContentImage = new Image()
      		ID = "buttonContent",
      		AlternateText = "my car",
      		ImageUrl = ""
      	Label buttonContentLabel = new Label() { ID = "Label1", Text = "Vehicles" };
      Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
      	Dim buttonContentImage As New Image() With {
      		.ID = "buttonContent",
      		.AlternateText = "my car",
      		.ImageUrl = ""
      	Dim buttonContentLabel As New Label() With {
      	   .ID = "Label1",
      	   .Text = "Vehicles"
      End Sub
  • Set the ContentTemplate property to an instance of a class that implements the ITemplate interface (Example 3).

    Example 3: Adding controls to the RadPushButton by using the ITemplate class.

      <telerik:RadPushButton runat="server" ID="RadPushButton1" Width="71px" Height="70px">
      protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
      	RadPushButton1.ContentTemplate = new ButtonContentTemplate();
      public class ButtonContentTemplate : ITemplate
      	void ITemplate.InstantiateIn(Control container)
      		System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image contentImage = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image();
      		contentImage.ID = "contentImage";
      		contentImage.ImageUrl = "";
      		contentImage.AlternateText = "envelope";
      		Label contentLabel = new Label();
      		contentLabel.ID = "contentLabel";
      		contentLabel.Text = "E-Mail";
      Protected Sub Page_Init(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
      	RadPushButton1.ContentTemplate = New ButtonContentTemplate()
      End Sub
      Public Class ButtonContentTemplate
      	Implements ITemplate
      	Private Sub ITemplate_InstantiateIn(container As Control) Implements ITemplate.InstantiateIn
      		Dim contentImage As New System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image()
      		contentImage.ID = "contentImage"
      		contentImage.ImageUrl = ""
      		contentImage.AlternateText = "envelope"
      		Dim contentLabel As New Label()
      		contentLabel.ID = "contentLabel"
      		contentLabel.Text = "E-Mail"
      	End Sub
      End Class

See Also