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The structure of the RadProgressArea progress dialog is shown below:

upload radprogressarea structure

Every element of the dialog can be optionally removed.

The Total Progress Bar gives a graphical representation of how much of the upload has completed, based on the request size. It appears when the ProgressIndicators property includes "TotalProgressBar".

  • The Total Progress Indicators include (in order)

    1. Total Progress Percent (the percentage of the request that is complete)

    2. Total Progress (the total number of bytes already uploaded)

    3. Request Size (the total number of bytes to upload)These indicators appear when the ProgressIndicators property includes "TotalProgressPercent", "TotalProgress", and "RequestSize", respectively.

  • The Files Count Bar gives a graphical representation of how much of the upload has completed, based on the number of files. It appears when the ProgressIndicators property includes "FilesCountBar".

  • The Files Count Indicators include (in order)

    1. Files Count Percent (the percentage of the requested files that have been uploaded)

    2. Files Count(the number of files that have been uploaded)

    3. Selected Files Count (the total number of files to upload)These indicators appear when the ProgressIndicators property includes "FilesCountPercent", "FilesCount", and "SelectedFilesCount", respectively.

  • The Current File Name gives the name of the file currently being uploaded. This is included when the ProgressIndicators property includes "CurrentFileName".

  • The Time and Speed Indicators include (in order).

    1. Elapsed Time (the time that has already elapsed servicing the upload request)

    2. Estimated Time (the estimated amount of time remaining )

    3. Speed (the speed of the process)These indicators appear when the ProgressIndicators property includes "TimeElapsed", "TimeEstimated", and "TransferSpeed", respectively.

  • The Cancel Button lets the user cancel length upload processes. It appears when the DisplayCancelButton property is set to True.

See Also

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