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Supported Controls
The main functionality of Telerik Persistence Framework is to provide long-term UI state persistence of Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls. Since not all Telerik controls have user interaction modifiable configuration not all of the controls' state can be persisted.
Following is a list of controls and the properties that can be persisted with Persistence Framework:
Control | Properties |
RadButton | Checked, SelectedToggleStateIndex |
RadCalendar | FocusedDate, SelectedDate |
RadColorPicker | SelectedColor |
RadComboBox | Selected Nodes, Checked Nodes |
RadDataPager | PageSize, StartRowIndex |
RadDock | Closed, Collapsed, DockZoneID, ExpandedHeight, Height, Index, Left, Pinned, Top, Width |
RadDropDownList | SelectedIndex |
RadDropDownTree | ExpandedIndices, CheckedIndices, Selected indices of the embedded tree |
RadFilter | FilterExpression (internal property) |
RadGrid | Grid settings: CurrentPageIndex, PageSize, EditIndexes, SelectedCellIndexes, SelectedIndexes, AllowMultiColumnSorting, Group-by expressions, Sort Expressions, Filter Expressions; Column settings: Width, OrderIndex, Display, Visible, CurrentFilterFunction, CurrentFilterValue; Make sure to call the .Rebind() method of the grid after you call .LoadState() , so that the newly loaded settings take effect. Hierarchy and DetailTable persistence is not supported |
MasterTableView | ColumnSettings, CurrentPageIndex, FilterExpression, GroupByExpression, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SortExpression |
RadListBox | CheckedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndices (internal property) |
RadListView | CurrentPageIndex, EditIndexes, FilterExpressions, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SelectedIndexes, SortExpressions |
RadMenu | SelectedIndex |
RadOrgChart | CollapsedIndices (internal property), GroupCollapseIndices (internal property) |
RadPane | CollapsedHeightWidth |
RadPanelBar | ExpandedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndex (internal property) |
RadPivotGrid | AggregatesPosition, AggregatesLevel, PageSize, CurrentPageIndex, FilterExpressions, field settings (SortOrder, ZoneIndex, UniqueName, ZoneType), CollapsedRowIndexes, CollapsedColumnIndexes, SortExpressions, ConfigurationPanel-LayoutType |
RadRibbonBar | Minimized, SelectedTabIndex |
RadScheduler | Selected Date, Selected View |
RadSkinManager | Skin |
RadSlider | SelectionEnd, SelectionStart, Value |
RadSlidingPane | Height, Width |
RadSlidingZone | DockedPaneId, ExpandedPaneId |
RadTabStrip | SelectedIndices (internal property) |
RadTileList | TileGroupIndices (internal property), SelectedTilesUniqueIds (internal property) |
RadToolBar | CheckedIndices (internal property) |
RadTreeList | CurrentPageIndex, EditIndexes, ExpandedIndexes, InsertIndexes, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SelectedIndexes, SortExpressions |
RadTreeView | CheckedIndices (internal property), ExpandedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndex (internal property) |