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Supported Controls

The main functionality of Telerik Persistence Framework is to provide long-term UI state persistence of Telerik® UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls. Since not all Telerik controls have user interaction modifiable configuration not all of the controls' state can be persisted.

Following is a list of controls and the properties that can be persisted with Persistence Framework:

RadButtonChecked, SelectedToggleStateIndex
RadCalendarFocusedDate, SelectedDate
RadComboBoxSelected Nodes, Checked Nodes
RadDataPagerPageSize, StartRowIndex
RadDockClosed, Collapsed, DockZoneID, ExpandedHeight, Height, Index, Left, Pinned, Top, Width
RadDropDownTreeExpandedIndices, CheckedIndices, Selected indices of the embedded tree
RadFilterFilterExpression (internal property)
RadGridGrid settings: CurrentPageIndex, PageSize, EditIndexes, SelectedCellIndexes, SelectedIndexes, AllowMultiColumnSorting, Group-by expressions, Sort Expressions, Filter Expressions;
Column settings: Width, OrderIndex, Display, Visible, CurrentFilterFunction, CurrentFilterValue;
Make sure to call the .Rebind() method of the grid after you call .LoadState(), so that the newly loaded settings take effect.
Hierarchy and DetailTable persistence is not supported
MasterTableViewColumnSettings, CurrentPageIndex, FilterExpression, GroupByExpression, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SortExpression
RadListBoxCheckedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndices (internal property)
RadListViewCurrentPageIndex, EditIndexes, FilterExpressions, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SelectedIndexes, SortExpressions
RadOrgChartCollapsedIndices (internal property), GroupCollapseIndices (internal property)
RadPanelBarExpandedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndex (internal property)
RadPivotGridAggregatesPosition, AggregatesLevel, PageSize, CurrentPageIndex, FilterExpressions, field settings (SortOrder, ZoneIndex, UniqueName, ZoneType), CollapsedRowIndexes, CollapsedColumnIndexes, SortExpressions, ConfigurationPanel-LayoutType
RadRibbonBarMinimized, SelectedTabIndex
RadSchedulerSelected Date, Selected View
RadSliderSelectionEnd, SelectionStart, Value
RadSlidingPaneHeight, Width
RadSlidingZoneDockedPaneId, ExpandedPaneId
RadTabStripSelectedIndices (internal property)
RadTileListTileGroupIndices (internal property), SelectedTilesUniqueIds (internal property)
RadToolBarCheckedIndices (internal property)
RadTreeListCurrentPageIndex, EditIndexes, ExpandedIndexes, InsertIndexes, IsItemInserted, PageSize, SelectedIndexes, SortExpressions
RadTreeViewCheckedIndices (internal property), ExpandedIndices (internal property), SelectedIndex (internal property)
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