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Methods and Properties
RadMenu Properties and Methods
RadMenu has a number of useful properties methods for iteracting with the menu and items. The following table lists these properties:
Property | Type | Description |
AccessKey | string | Sets or returns a String that represents the shortcut key, also known as the accelerator key, for a specified object. |
AutoScrollMinimumHeight | int | The minimum available height that is needed to enable the auto-scroll. |
AutoScrollMinimumWidth | int | The minimum available width that is needed to enable the auto-scroll. |
ClearSelectedItem | void | Clears the selected item from the current RadMenu instance. Very useful when you want to clear the selected item after a postback. |
ClickToOpen | bool | Specifying if child items should open when the user clicks on their parent item, rather than just pointing the mouse over it. |
ClientItemTemplate | string | Gets or sets the client template for displying the items of the RadMenu . |
CollapseAnimation | AnimationSettings | Gets the settings for animation played when item closes. |
CollapseDelay | string | Gets or sets the animation timeout after which the item starts to close. |
EnableAutoScroll | bool | Gets or sets a value indicating if an automatic scroll is applied if the groups are larger then the screen height. To use this with RadContextMenu , define DefaultGroupSettings.Height . |
EnableOverlay | bool | Gets or sets a value indicating if an overlay should be rendered (only in Internet Explorer). |
EnableRootItemScroll | bool | Gets or sets a value indicating if scroll is enabled for the root items. |
EnableRoundedCorners | bool | Specifying if child items should have rounded corners. |
EnableScreenBoundaryDetection | bool | Specifies where screen boundary detection is enabled or not. |
EnableSelection | bool | Gets or sets a value indicating if the currently selected item will be tracked and highlighted. |
EnableShadows | bool | Specifying if child items should have shadows. |
EnableTextHTMLEncoding | bool | Specifies whether the text encoding when rendering menu item is enabled or not. |
ExpandAnimation | AnimationSettings | Gets or sets a the animation settings when item closes. |
ExpandDelay | int | Gets or sets a delay in milliseconds between the mouse entering a RadMenuItem and its child items starting to expand |
Flow | ItemFlow | Gets or sets the orientation of the root items |
Items | RadMenuItemCollection | Gets or sets RadMenuItemCollection that contains the root items of the RadMenu . |
ItemTemplate | string | Gets or sets the template for displaying the items in RadMenu . |
RenderMode | RenderMode | Specifies the RadMenu 's render mode. Using the LightWeight render mode will yield HTML5/CSS3 html and css. |
SelectedItem | RadMenuItem | Gets a RadMenuItem object that represents the selected item in the RadMenu control. |
SelectedValue | string | Gets the RadMenuItem.Value of the selected item. |
ShowToggleHandle | bool | Gets the sets a value indicating whether a toggle handler is rendered when item has child items. |
The following table lists most of the methods that RadMenu offers:
Property | Parameter | Return Value | Description |
GetAllItems | none | IList | Returns a list of all items in the menu, flattening out the menu hierarchy. |
FindItemByText | string | RadMenuItem | Returns the first item in the menu whose Text property matches the parameter. |
FindItemByUrl | string | RadMenuItem | Returns the first item in the menu whose NavigateUrl property matches the parameter. |
FindItemByValue | string | RadMenuItem | Returns the first item in the menu whose Value property matches the parameter. |
LoadContentFile | string | none | Populates the RadMenu control from external XML file.. |
LoadXml | string | none | Loads the control from a XML file. |