RadMenu and RadContextMenu Objects
Common API
Both the RadMenu and the RadContextMenu client-side objects have many of the same methods. The following table lists the most important of these common client-side methods:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
trackChanges | none | none | Begins tracking changes to the Menu items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. See Example 1. |
commitChanges | none | none | Ends tracking changes to the Menu items. Only changes to the items that occur between a call to trackChanges and commitChanges persist after a postback. |
disable | none | none | Disables all items in the Menu. Clicking on any item has no effect, child items cannot be opened. See Example 2. |
enable | none | none | Enables all items in the Menu. See Example 3. |
get_enabled | none | boolean | True if the Menu is enabled. To enable a Menu, use the enable() method. |
close | none | none | Closes all opened items. In Mobile renderMode it closes the Menu too. See Example 8 below. |
findItemByValue | (string value) | RadMenuItem | Returns the first RadMenuItem object whose Value property is equal to the passed parameter. |
findItemByText | (string text) | RadMenuItem | Returns the first RadMenuItem object whose Text property is equal to the passed parameter. |
findItemByUrl | (string URL) | RadMenuItem | Returns the first RadMenuItem object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter. |
findItemByAbsoluteUrl | (string URL) | RadMenuItem | Returns the first RadMenuItem object whose NavigateUrl property is equal to the passed parameter. Note that the parameter should end with '/' like:var item = sender.findItemByAbsoluteUrl('http://www.test.com/'); |
findItemByAttribute | (string attributeName, string value) | RadMenuItem | Returns the first RadMenuItem object with a custom attribute of the specified name that has the specified value. |
get_items | none | RadMenuItemCollection | Returns the collection of root level items. See Example 4. |
get_allItems | none | Array | Gets a linear collection of all items. This includes all root and child items in the Menu. See Example 5. |
focus | none | none | Brings the focus to the Menu so that it can be controlled via the keyboard. |
get_focusedItem | none | RadMenuItem | Returns the focused root level item. Null if no item has focus. |
get_openedItem | none | RadMenuItem | Returns the opened root level item. If no item is opened at the root level returns null. |
get_selectedItem | none | RadMenuItem | Returns the selected Menu item. If no item is selected returns null. |
get_attributes | none | Collection | Returns the collection of custom attributes for the Menu. |
get_clicked | none | Boolean | True if the user has clicked on a root Menu item to expand it when ClickToOpen is True. |
set_clicked | Boolean | none | Sets whether the user has clicked on a root Menu item to expand it when ClickToOpen is True. See example here. |
get_element | none | HTML Element | Gets the DOM element for the Menu. |
get_contextMenuElement | none | HTML Element | Gets the DOM element for the Menu. |
get_childListElement | none | HTML Element | Gets the DOM element for the list of items in the Menu. |
enableEvents | none | none | Enables the control client-side event emitting. Events are enabled by default. |
disableEvents | none | none | Disables the control client-side event emitting. |
add_ | (mixed eventHandler) | none | Attaches an eventHandler to the event with the name <EventName>. Note that client-side event names differ from their server-side counterparts. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 6. |
remove_ | (mixed eventHandler) | Boolean | Detaches an eventHandler from the event with the name <EventName>. Returns "true" if the eventHandler is found and detached, "false" otherwise. For more information, see Client-Side Events. See Example 7. |
Client side changes are available on the server side after postback. You can use the ClientChanges property to access them.
Example 1: Add a new Menu item and persist it after a postback.
function AddNewItem()
var menu = $find("<%= RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
// items in Mobile render mode are of type MobileMenuItem while in other render modes it is RadMenuItem
var menuItemClass = Telerik.Web.UI.RadMenuItem || Telerik.Web.UI.MobileMenuItem;
var menuItem = new menuItemClass();
menuItem.set_text("New Item");
Example 2: Disable the Menu.
function DisableMenu()
var menu = $find("<%= RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
Example 3: Enable the Menu.
function EnableMenu()
var menu = $find("<%= RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
Example 4: Get a collection with the root items and display each item's text.
function showRootItems()
var menu = $find("<%= RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
var items = menu.get_items();
for (var i=0; i < items.get_count(); i++)
Example 5: Get a collection with all Menu items and display each item's text.
function showAllItems()
var menu = $find("<%=RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
for (var i=0; i< menu.get_allItems().length; i++)
Example 6: Attach a client-side event handler to the Menu.
function OnClientItemBlurHandler()
alert( "goodbye");
function AttachBlurHandler()
var menu = $find("<%=RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
Example 7: Remove a client-side event handler from the Menu.
function OnClientItemBlurHandler()
alert( "goodbye");
function DetachBlurHandler()
var menu = $find("<%=RadMenu1.ClientID %>");
Example 7: Close menu when its item is clicked.
<telerik:RadMenu runat="server" ID="RadMenu1" RenderMode="Lightweight" OnClientItemClicking="closeMenu">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="hover for submenu">
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="click to close menu"></telerik:RadMenuItem>
function closeMenu(sender, args) {
args.set_cancel(true);//prevent default postback/navigation. Not needed for OnClientClicked event
//do work here
setTimeout(function () {
sender.close();//close the menu
}, 0);
RadContextMenu-specific API
The RadContextMenu client-side object has some additional methods that are specific to it:
Name | Parameters | Return Type | Description |
show | (event) | none | Displays the menu as a pop-up, using the position in the DOM event that is passed as a parameter. |
showAt | (int X, int Y) | none | Displays the menu as a pop-up at the coordinates specified by the parameters. Note that when calling showAt from in response to a client-side event, it is a good idea to call $telerik.cancelRawEvent(event) afterwards in order to prevent the default event processing from hiding the context menu you just displayed. |
hide | none | none | Hides the menu. |
get_targets | none | Array | Returns the array of targets to which the context menu is attached. Each target identifies an element or family of elements that cause the menu to appear when right-clicked. |
addTargetElement | element | none | Attaches the context menu to the specified target element. |
removeTargetElement | element | none | Detaches the context menu from the specified target element. |
RadContextMenu static objects and methods
- The Telerik.Web.UI.RadContextMenu.contextMenus holds a static collection with references to all [RadContextMenu] (slug://menu/context-menus/radcontextmenu-object)s on the page.
function iterateThroughAllContextMenus()
var contextMenus = Telerik.Web.UI.RadContextMenu.contextMenus;
for (var contextMenuId in contextMenus)
var contextMenu = contextMenus[contextMenuId];
The Telerik.Web.UI.RadContextMenu.hideAll method hides all visible RadContextMenu Objects on the page.
addTargetElement(element), removeTargetElement(element) methods to dynamically add/remove targets to the context menu.