Validating entered values
The RadInput controls support ASP.NET validators (both client and server side). For example a RequiredFieldValidator can be used to make sure the user does not skip mandatory fields. A RangeValidator can be applied to ensure the entered value falls within some specified interval.
To use ASP.NET validators with RadInput controls, simply set the ID of the RadInput control as the value of the ControlToValidate property of the validator.
For a live example of the form shown above, see the Validation demo.
Triggering validation
If the validators are set to use client-side validation (their EnableClientScript property is True), the RadInput controls automatically trigger the validator that checks their value when the user finishes editing. That is, when the user has changed the value in the control and it then loses focus, the validator checks the new value of the input control.
You can also use the RadInput controls to trigger the validation of other controls on the page. To make a RadInput control trigger other validators when it causes a postback:
Set the AutoPostBack property to True. When AutoPostBack is True, the input control causes a postback when the user changes its value and it then loses focus.
Set the CausesValidation property to True. This causes the postback that the RadInput control initiates to trigger the validators on the Web page (not just the validator that is checking the value of the RadInput control.)
By default, all validators on the Web page must be successful before the postback that the input control initiates can occur. You can prevent some controls from being validated on the postback while requiring other controls on the Web page to be validated. This is accomplished by using Validation Groups.
The validator controls have a ValidationGroup property. The RadInput controls also have a ValidationGroup property. When the input control causes a postback and triggers the validators on the page, itonly causes validation by those validators whose ValidationGroup property matches the ValidationGroup property of the input control. (The reason the default behavior is for all validators to executeon postback is because the default value of the ValidationGroup property on both the input control and the validatorsis an empty string.)
Display ErrorMessage inside RadInput
The following example demonstrates how you could display your ErrorMessage inside the input itself following an unsuccessful validation.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (ValidatorUpdateDisplay && typeof (ValidatorUpdateDisplayOriginal) === "undefined") {
ValidatorUpdateDisplayOriginal = ValidatorUpdateDisplay;
ValidatorUpdateDisplay = function (val) {
var control = $find(val.controltovalidate);
if ((!val.isvalid) && control && control.set_invalid) {
<telerik:RadMaskedTextBox RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadMaskedTextBox1" runat="server" EmptyMessage="Enter username">
<telerik:RadMaskedTextBox RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="RadMaskedTextBox2" runat="server" EmptyMessage="Enter password">
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="PostBack" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" Text="username is required" ControlToValidate="RadMaskedTextBox1"
Style="display: none;"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator2" runat="server" Text="password is required" ControlToValidate="RadMaskedTextBox2"
Style="display: none;"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
The property RequireCompleteText is designed to change the validation state of the RadMaskedTextBox based on the value entered compared to the format defined in the Mask. With this property enabled, the RadMaskedTextBox will require the user to type the complete Text/Value as defined in the Mask, or otherwise, the control's state will change to invalid and a built-in warning Style will be applied.
When this RadMaskedTextBox is placed inside the Template of another control, the RequireCompleteText property will not have influcence on the container Control's Validation functionality unless specifically implemented.