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Selecting items

RadListView exposes a server-side API, similar to RadGrid's. The selected items are accessible through the SelectedItems collection that consist of RadListViewDataItem objects.

By default you can select only one item at a time. Multiple selection is possible if enabled via the AllowMultiItemSelection property.

There are several ways to select/deselect an item in RadListView:

  • to use the Selected property of RadListViewDataItem

  • to fire Select/Deselect command

  • to add/remove item's index to the SelectedIndexes collection

Note, that you need to provide Select/Deselect buttons in both Item and AlternatingItem templates.

   <asp:LinkButton ID="SelectButton1" Text="Select" CommandName="Select" runat="server" />
   <asp:LinkButton ID="DeselectButton1" Text="Deselect" CommandName="Deselect" runat="server" />
    <asp:LinkButton ID="SelectButton2" Text="Select" CommandName="Select" runat="server" />
   <asp:LinkButton ID="DeselectButton2" Text="Deselect" CommandName="Deselect" runat="server" />

The selected items can be cleared using the ClearSelectedItems method.

Brief description of the selection-related properties/methods:

SelectCommandName (Select)Command / constantSelects RadListView item
DeselectCommandName (Deselect)Command / constantDeselects RadListView item
AllowMultiItemSelectionProperty ( bool )Allows the user to select more that one item simultaneously
SelectedIndexesProperty ( RadListViewIndexesCollection )Contains the indexes of the selected items
SelectedItemsProperty ( RadListViewDataItemCollection )Contains the selected items
SelectedValueProperty ( object )Gets the first data key value of the selected item
SelectedValuesProperty ( DataKey )Gets the data key values from the selected item
SelectedIndexChangedEventThis event fires when the user selects an item in RadListView
ClearSelectedItemsMethodClears the selected items


SelectedItemTemplate defines the contents that represents the selected item in RadListView. As with any other template, SelectedItemTemplate provides an unrestricted freedom for defining the appearance of the selected item.

A simplified code-snippet is shown below:

<telerik:radlistview id="RadListView1" runat="server">
        <asp:Label ID="lbl1" Text='<%# Bind("UserName") %>' runat="server">        </asp:Label>
        <asp:Label ID="lbl2" Text='<%# Bind("UserName") %>' runat="server" BackColor="Gray">        </asp:Label>

Extracting values from a selected item

There are various way to access/extract values from the items in RadListView.

  1. Extracting DataKey values on ItemDataBound / ItemCommand events
protected void RadListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadListViewItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is RadListViewDataItem)
        RadListViewDataItem item = e.Item as RadListViewDataItem;
        if (item.Selected)
            string myValue = item.GetDataKeyValue("myValue").ToString();
protected void RadListView1_ItemCommand(object sender, RadListViewCommandEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == RadListView.SelectCommandName)
        RadListViewDataItem item = e.ListViewItem as RadListViewDataItem;
        string myValue = item.GetDataKeyValue("myValue").ToString();
  1. Extracting values using the ExtractValues method on ItemDataBound / ItemCommand

ExtractValues method will only work when Editing and/or Selecting an item. Instead, extract the values through the DataItem following the example provided in the 4th point of this article.

protected void RadListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadListViewItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is RadListViewDataItem)
        RadListViewDataItem item = e.Item as RadListViewDataItem;
        if (item.Selected)
            Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
            (e.Item as RadListViewDataItem).ExtractValues(table);
            string myValue = table["myValue"].ToString();
protected void RadListView1_ItemCommand(object sender, RadListViewCommandEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == RadListView.SelectCommandName)
        Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
        (e.ListViewItem as RadListViewDataItem).ExtractValues(table);
        string myValue = table["myValue"].ToString();
  1. Extracting values using the ExtractValuesFromItem method on ItemDataBound / ItemCommand

Similar to the previous example but uses ExtractValuesFromItem. A major advantage of this method is that it can also extract the DataKeys values. This also applies for items that are being Edited and/or Selected.

protected void RadListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadListViewItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is RadListViewDataItem)
        RadListViewDataItem item = e.Item as RadListViewDataItem;
        if (item.Selected)
            Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
            e.Item.OwnerListView.ExtractValuesFromItem(table, e.Item as RadListViewDataItem, true);
            string myValue = table["myValue"].ToString();
  1. Extracting values through the DataItem on ItemDataBound
protected void RadListView1_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadListViewItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is RadListViewDataItem)
        RadListViewDataItem item = e.Item as RadListViewDataItem;
        if (item.Selected)
            string myValue = DataBinder.Eval(item.DataItem, "myValue").ToString();

Online demo:

RadListView - Selecting items