Defining Client-Side HTML Templates
Introduction to client-side HTML templates
RadListView provides a number of client-side HTML templates that define the layout of the control when databinding on the client-side. The client-side templates are properties of type string and they are sent to the browser unmodified. Then, the client RadListView component passes them to Telerik.Web.UI.Template.compile() for building functions that render the HTML template.
Here follows a list of all the client-side templates available for specifying in RadListView.ClientSettings.DataBinding:
** Name ** | ** Description ** |
LayoutTemplate | HTML layout template. If this template is omitted, the server-side LayoutTemplate needs to be defined. |
ItemTemplate | HTML item template |
AlternatingItemTemplate | HTML alternating item template |
ItemSeparatorTemplate | HTML item separator template |
EmptyDataTemplate | HTML template rendered when RadListView contains no data. |
SelectedItemTemplate | HTML template rendered when an item is selected. |
Note that Visual Studio does not provide IntelliSense support inside string properties in the markup. Therefore, you get only code completion when typing HTML in a client-side RadListView template, but no IntelliSense.
Expressions In HTML Templates
The client-side HTML templates support the following expressions for evaluating code:
** Format ** | ** Name ** | ** Description ** |
#= ... # | Data | Evaluates the Javascript code expression or a string property from the data item and outputs the result in the template. |
# ... # | Code | Evaluates the JavaScript code expression inside. Does not output value. |
#: ... # | HTML-encode | Same as the data expression, but HTML-encodes the result. |
Binding Context
Every template is provided a binding context during rendering. The binding context is the this object equivalent for javascript defined inside the HTML template. All RadListView templates are provided a context object with the following properties:
** Field ** | ** Description ** |
owner | The current RadListView instance. Can be used for calling methods of the component. |
format(value, format) | A formatting function that can format Date and Number values. This function is based on the MS AJAX String.localeFormat(format, value) function. |
Along with these shared fields in the binding context of all templates, the ItemTemplate, AlternatingItemTemplate and SelectedItemTemplate (collectively referred to as "data templates") also get a number of additional fields in their binding contexts. Most importantly, when a data template is databinding to an item from RadListView's data source, all the fields in the data item are copied to the binding context. For example, a template bound to the JSON object {ID: 1, Name: "Item1"} will have the fields ID = 1 and Name = "Item1" in its binding context.
Additionally, each data template gets the following fields in its binding context:
** Field ** | ** Description ** |
item | The original JSON data object that the template is binding to. |
index | The index of the currently databinding item in the current page. |
dataIndex | The index of the item in the set of all RadListView data. This field has a meaning only when paging is enabled. It indicates the page-invariant index of the item. |
isSelected | Indicates if the current item is selected. |
Examples for HTML templates
Equipped with the data and functions in the context of the HTML templates, you can implement complex rendering scenarios. You can see a few examples below:
<tr class="rlvI #= isSelected ? 'rlvISel' : '' #">
#= ProductName #
<tr class="rlvI #= isSelected ? 'rlvISel' : '' #">
#= format(ShipDate, "d") #
#= format(Price, "C2") #
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
title="#= owner.get_sortExpressions().getSortOrder('ProductID') #"
onclick="$find('#= owner.get_id() #').sort('ProductID');">ProductID</a>
<tbody id="itemPlaceHolder">
<div id="pager">
<button onclick="$find('#=owner.get_id() #').page('First')" />
<button onclick="$find('#=owner.get_id() #').page('Prev')" />
<button onclick="$find('#=owner.get_id() #').page('Next')" />
<button onclick="$find('#=owner.get_id() #').page('Last')" />
<div id="Div1" class="RadDataPager RadDataPager_Default" style="border:none">
<div class="rdpWrap rdpNumPart">
#= renderNumericPager(owner) #