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CSS Skin File Selector
The following table lists significant CSS selectors and descriptions for RadListBox style sheets.
Class Name | Element | Description |
.RadListBox | div | Applied to the main RadListBox element. |
.RadListBox_skin | div | Applied to the main RadListBox element. |
.RadListBoxButtonArea | div | Applied to RadListBox when there are buttons shown. |
.RadListBoxScrollable | div | Applied to a scrollable RadListBox. |
.rlbDisabled | div | Applied to a RadListBox that is disabled. |
.rlbDropClue | span | Applied to the item being dragged. |
.rlbDropClueAbove | li | Applied to the arrow that is displayed when one is about to drop (via drag nad drop) item above another item. |
.rlbDropClueBelow | li | Applied to the arrow that is displayed when one is about to drop (via drag nad drop) item below another item. |
.rlbEmptyMessage | div | Applied to the div that is shown when RadListBox is empty. |
.rlbList | ul | Applied to RadListBox item's container. |
.rlbItem | li | Applied to a RadListBoxItem. |
.rlbActive | li | Applied to the active item (currently selected). |
.rlbText | span | Applied to the span that wraps the text of a RadListBoxItem. |
.rlbTemplate | span | Applied to the template container. |
.rlbImage | img | Applied to the image container, that is shown should the ImageUrl property of RadListBoxItem is set. |
.rlbCheck | input | Applied to the integrated RadListBox checkbox. |
.rlbGroup | div | Applied to the main group element. This element wraps around rlbList. |
.rlbGroupTop | div | Applied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed above the listbox. |
.rlbGroupBottom | div | Applied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed below the listbox. |
.rlbGroupLeft | div | Applied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed on the left side. |
.rlbGroupRight | div | Applied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed on the right side. |
.rlbGroupCell | div | Applied to the div that wraps around rlbGroupContainer. |
.rlbGroupContainer | div | Applied to the div that wraps around rlbGroup. |
.rlbButtonAreaRight | table | Applied to the button area, when the latter is on right side. |
.rlbButtonAreaLeft | table | Applied to the button area, when the latter is on left side. |
.rlbButtonAreaTop | div | Applied to the button area, when the latter is above the listbox. |
.rlbButtonAreaBottom | div | Applied to the button area, when the latter is below the listbox. |
.rlbButton | a | Applied to the a element, which is the default button container. |
.rlbNoButtonText | a | Applied to buttons without text. |
.rlbButtonTL | span | Applied to the span that forms the top left angle of a button. |
.rlbButtonTR | span | Applied to the span that forms the top right angle of a button. |
.rlbButtonBL | span | Applied to the span that forms the bottom left angle of a button. |
.rlbButtonBR | span | Applied to the span that forms the top left angle of a button. |
.rlbCenter | div | Applied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Centers the container horizonatlly. |
.rlbRight | div | Applied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Floats the container to right. |
.rlbMiddle | div | Applied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Centers the container vertically. |
.rlbBottom | div | Applied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Places the container below the listbox. |
.rlbTemplateContainer | div | Applied to the Div that wraps around rlbTemplateTable. |
.rlbTemplateTable | table | Applied to the Table wrapping headr, footer and group. |
.rlbTemplateCell | td | Applied to the TD wrapping around a header/footer/group. |