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CSS Skin File Selector

The following table lists significant CSS selectors and descriptions for RadListBox style sheets.

Class NameElementDescription
.RadListBoxdivApplied to the main RadListBox element.
.RadListBox_skindivApplied to the main RadListBox element.
.RadListBoxButtonAreadivApplied to RadListBox when there are buttons shown.
.RadListBoxScrollabledivApplied to a scrollable RadListBox.
.rlbDisableddivApplied to a RadListBox that is disabled.
.rlbDropCluespanApplied to the item being dragged.
.rlbDropClueAboveliApplied to the arrow that is displayed when one is about to drop (via drag nad drop) item above another item.
.rlbDropClueBelowliApplied to the arrow that is displayed when one is about to drop (via drag nad drop) item below another item.
.rlbEmptyMessagedivApplied to the div that is shown when RadListBox is empty.
.rlbListulApplied to RadListBox item's container.
.rlbItemliApplied to a RadListBoxItem.
.rlbActiveliApplied to the active item (currently selected).
.rlbTextspanApplied to the span that wraps the text of a RadListBoxItem.
.rlbTemplatespanApplied to the template container.
.rlbImageimgApplied to the image container, that is shown should the ImageUrl property of RadListBoxItem is set.
.rlbCheckinputApplied to the integrated RadListBox checkbox.
.rlbGroupdivApplied to the main group element. This element wraps around rlbList.
.rlbGroupTopdivApplied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed above the listbox.
.rlbGroupBottomdivApplied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed below the listbox.
.rlbGroupLeftdivApplied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed on the left side.
.rlbGroupRightdivApplied to the group when the RadListBox buttons are placed on the right side.
.rlbGroupCelldivApplied to the div that wraps around rlbGroupContainer.
.rlbGroupContainerdivApplied to the div that wraps around rlbGroup.
.rlbButtonAreaRighttableApplied to the button area, when the latter is on right side.
.rlbButtonAreaLefttableApplied to the button area, when the latter is on left side.
.rlbButtonAreaTopdivApplied to the button area, when the latter is above the listbox.
.rlbButtonAreaBottomdivApplied to the button area, when the latter is below the listbox.
.rlbButtonaApplied to the a element, which is the default button container.
.rlbNoButtonTextaApplied to buttons without text.
.rlbButtonTLspanApplied to the span that forms the top left angle of a button.
.rlbButtonTRspanApplied to the span that forms the top right angle of a button.
.rlbButtonBLspanApplied to the span that forms the bottom left angle of a button.
.rlbButtonBRspanApplied to the span that forms the top left angle of a button.
.rlbCenterdivApplied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Centers the container horizonatlly.
.rlbRightdivApplied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Floats the container to right.
.rlbMiddledivApplied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Centers the container vertically.
.rlbBottomdivApplied to the div/table that holds the rlbButtons. Places the container below the listbox.
.rlbTemplateContainerdivApplied to the Div that wraps around rlbTemplateTable.
.rlbTemplateTabletableApplied to the Table wrapping headr, footer and group.
.rlbTemplateCelltdApplied to the TD wrapping around a header/footer/group.

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