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Getting Started with the Telerik LinkButton

The following tutorial demonstrates how to set up a page with a RadLinkButton control and configure its NavigateUrl and Target properties.

  1. In the default page of a new ASP.NET AJAX-enabled Web Application add a RadLinkButton control:

     <telerik:RadLinkButton id="RadLinkButton1" runat="server" text="My Button">

    The Text property specifies the text displayed in the RadLinkButton control.

  2. Define the URL that will be navigated to when the button is clicked in the NavigateUrl property (e.g., NavigateUrl="").

  3. Set an open target for the URL through the Target property (e.g., Target="_blank"). The Target="_blank" property takes values from the HyperLink.Target Property.

At the end your RadLinkButton declaration should look like that:

<telerik:RadLinkButton ID="RadLinkButton1" Text="RadLinkButton" NavigateUrl="" Target="_blank"></telerik:RadLinkButton>

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