RadImageGallery provides an option for using advanced animations, which are transitions between the images.You can change different animation effects by using the Easing, Speed and Type properties.
By using the Easing and Speed properties, you could configure the animation effect when navigating to the next or previous image.
Figure 1: Animation in action.
The Type property allows you to choose an animation effect. RadImageGallery offers 14different animation effects or you can choose the Random type, which will apply a different effect between the image transitions. You can check out the different animation effects in the live example.
The NextImagesAnimation and PrevImagesAnimation properties contain predefined lists with all available animations. You can choose a particular animation, which will be applied to one or both properties. Easing and Speed properties are not mandatory. Table 1 shows the different animations.
Table 1: All available animation effects.
Fade | Resize | Blocks | BigBlocks |
SmallBlocks | HorizontalResize | VerticalResize | DiagonalResize |
HorizontalSlide | VerticalSlide | HorizontalStripes | VerticalStripes |
CollapsingHorizontalStripes | CollapsingVerticalStripes |
Easing functions makes animation look more realistic by controlling the rate of the transition between the images.The simplest easing function, the line, is linear interpolation at constant rate.More advanced easing functions can have accelerating or decelerating at the beginning, the end or both.You could read the following MSDN Easing Functionhelp article, which provides detailed information about the different easing functions.Since easing functions are inherited from .NET, RadImageGallery supports them.Table 2 shows the different easing functions.
Table 2: All available easing functions.
Linear | EaseInSine | EaseOutSine | EaseInOutSine |
EaseInQuad | EaseOutQuad | EaseInOutQuad | EaseInCubic |
EaseOutCubic | EaseInOutCubic | EaseInQuart | EaseOutQuart |
EaseInOutQuart | EaseInQuint | EaseOutQuint | EaseInOutQuint |
EaseInExpo | EaseOutExpo | EaseInOutExpo | EaseInCirc |
EaseOutCirc | EaseInOutCirc | EaseInBack | EaseOutBack |
EaseInOutBack | EaseInElastic | EaseOutElastic | EaseInOutElastic |
EaseInBounce | EaseOutBounce | EaseInOutBounce |
The Speed property determines the duration of the animation, measured in milliseconds.
RadImageGallery provides a slideshow feature where the images will automatically move from oneimage to another over a specified period. You could change the duration between the slides by using the SlideshowSlideDuration property as shown in Example 1. The default value for this propertyis three seconds.
<AnimationSettings SlideshowSlideDuration="2000">
<NextImagesAnimation Type="DiagonalResize" Easing="EaseInExpo" Speed="1000" />
<PrevImagesAnimation Type="VerticalStripes" Easing="EaseOutBack" Speed="1000" />