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ImageGallery Object

RadImageGallery for ASP.NET AJAX offers a rich client-side API that lets you access and configure the different elements of the control as well as perform certain actions using JavaScript.

RadImageGallery properties

PropertyParametersReturn TypeDescription
get_allowPaging()BoolGets a value indicating if the RadImageGallery paging functionality is turned on.
get_displayAreaMode()Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGallery.DisplayAreaModeGets the type of the DisplayAreaMode .
get_imageArea()Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryImageAreaGets the ImageGalleryImageArea client-side object which is associated with the area element and its functionality.
get_items()A collection of Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItemBase itemsGets the collection of Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItemBase items which are part of the RadImageGallery .
get_lightBox()Telerik.Web.UI.RadLightBoxGets the RadLightBox client-side object for the RadImageGallery when DisplayAreaMode="LightBox" .
get_loadingPanel()Telerik.Web.UI.RadAjaxLoadingPanelGets the RadAjaxLoadingPanel client-side object for the RadImageGallery which is shown when waiting for the image from a request.
get_pageSize()NumberGets the RadImageGallery.PageSize value.
get_selectedItem()Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItemBaseGets ImageGalleryItemBase client-side object for the current selected item.
get_thumbnailsArea()Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryThumbnailsAreaGets the ImageGalleryThumbnailsArea client-side object which is associated with the thumbnail area element and its functionality.
get_toolTip()Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolTipGets the RadToolTip client-side object for the RadImageGallery when DisplayAreaMode="ToolTip" .
isInFullScreen()BoolGets a value indicating if the control is in full screen mode.
isPaused()BoolGets a value indicating if the RadImageGallery slideshow feature is currently (paused) turned off.
isPlaying()BoolGets a value indicating if the RadImageGallery slideshow feature is currently (playing) turned on.

RadImageGallery methods

RadImageGallery offers the following methods

MethodParametersReturn TypeDescription
enterFullScreen()Causes the RadImageGallery control to enter full screen mode.
exitFullScreen()Causes the RadImageGallery control to exit full screen mode.
exitFullScreen()Causes the RadImageGallery control to exit full screen mode.
fireCommand(commandName, commandArgument)String,StringBoolTriggers a specific command for the RadImageGallery
next()Selects the next item or selects the first if the currently selected item is the last.
page(command)StringBoolFires a page command.
playSlideshow()Turns on the RadImageGallery slideshow feature that navigates to the next image in a predefined amount of time determined by RadImageGallery.AnimationSettings.SlideshowSlideDuration property.
prev()Selects the previous item or selects the last if the currently selected item is the first.
selectItem(itemOrItemIndex)Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItemBaseSelects and animates (if animations are turned on) to the next item by specifying Telerik.Web.UI.ImageGalleryItem or itemIndex.
set_currentPageIndex(pageIndex)NumberBoolSets a value indicating the index of the current active page in case paging is enabled.
set_pageSize(pageSize)NumberBoolSets the current page size.
stopSlideshow()Turns off the RadImageGallery slideshow feature.
toggleFullScreen()Toggles RadImageGallery current full screen state. It will exit the full screen mode if it is in full screen mode and vice versa.
toggleSlideshow()Toggles the RadImageGallery slideshow feature.

See Also