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Client-side Programming Overview

This help article lists the ASP.NET AJAX Chart's public client-side methods that let you access and modify the control's height, width, data source, transitions, etc.; shows how to reference and use the RadHtmlChart client-side object (Examples 1-2); and provides an example about modifying the data source of RadHtmlChart on the client (Example 3).

RadHtmlChart for ASP.NET AJAX is based on the Kendo UI Data Visualization Chart Widget. Thus, it exposes the client-side API and methods offered by the widget and mainly provides a wrapper and API for working with the chart on the server (programmatic creation, data binding, declaring in the markup).

Public Methods

getSVGStringReturns the SVG rendering of the control, regardless of the browser. Useful for exporting scenarios.
loadDataInvokes a light callback to the server to obtain the RadHtmlChart data. This is used when the server-side InvokeLoadData property is set to FromCode . In this case, the data is not sent to the client at all until this method is called.
repaintRedraws the chart. Useful when the chart is in an invisible container that is shown on a certain condition, when a client-side databinding is performed or to replay the initial animation.
get_dataSourceJSONGets a stringified JSON object with the data source of a databound RadHtmlChart . Tip: You can parse this to a JSON object through a jQuery parseJSON method in order to manipulate it as an array.
get_heightGets the height of the chart.
get_widthGets the width of the chart.
get_transitionsGets a boolean value indicating whether an animation is played when the chart is rendered.
set_dataSourceDatabinds the RadHtmlChart to the new data source that is passed as a parameter. This can be a JSON string or an array of JSON objects. The fields in the JSON objects must match the chart's properties – their names are set through the DataFieldY , ColorField , NameField and ExplodeField properties. In order to refresh the chart with the new data, the repaint() method must be called.
set_heightSets new height to the chart.
set_widthSets new width to the chart.
set_transitionsSets a boolean value indicating whether an animation is played when the chart is rendered.
get_kendoWidgetGets a reference to the Kendo Chart widget.

RadHtmlChart for ASP.NET AJAX, through the Kendo widget, exposes the Kendo Chart client-side methods.

Get Client-side Object Reference

There are two ways to get a reference to the Kendo Chart widget in order to use its API:

  • Use the get_kendoWidget method the RadHtmlChart client-side object exposes. You can get the RadHtmlChart object through the $find() MS AJAX method.

    Example 1: Get the Kendo Chart object through the get_kendoWidget method.

      var radHtmlChartObject = $find("<%=RadHtmlChart1.ClientID %>"); //the standard script control object
      var kendoChart = radHtmlChartObject.get_kendoWidget(); //the Kendo widget
  • Use the standard Kendo approach for getting the widget through the data-attributes of the DOM element:

    Example 2: Get the Kendo Chart object through the data attribute of the DOM object.

      var kendoChart = $telerik.$("#<%=RadHtmlChart1.ClientID %>").data("kendoChart");//the jQuery selector must get the RadHtmlChart wrapping div element

RadHtmlChart is an IScriptControl based on MS AJAX and so it instantiates its client-side object (i.e., the Kendo Chart) during theSys.Application.Initevent. This means that the earliest event in which you can reference the chart widget is Sys.Application.Load .

Modify the RadHtmlChart's Data Source on the Client

Example 3 below demonstrates a way to change the data source of a RadHtmlChart using its client-side API. Once you set the desired data source to the control, you have to invoke its repaint() method, ensuring that the control will be redrawn with the new data.

Example 3: Client-side change of RadHtmlChart's data source.

<script type="text/javascript">
	function OnClientClicked1() {

		var newDataSource = [
			"Data": 35,
			"Fruit": "Apple",
			"Color": "Green",
			"IsExploded": false
			"Data": 20,
			"Fruit": "Orange",
			"Color": "Orange",
			"IsExploded": true

		   var RadHtmlChart1 = $find('<%=RadHtmlChart1.ClientID %>');

		   //Parsing the current datasource to an array of JavaScript objects and storing it to a variable 
		   var oldDataSource = eval(RadHtmlChart1.get_dataSourceJSON());

		   //Retaining the first Item of the datasource
		   newDataSource[0] = oldDataSource[0];

		   //Set the new datasource      

		   //Turning animation on before repainting the chart

		   //Redrawing the chart
<telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" ID="RadHtmlChart1" Transitions="false" Width="450"
			<telerik:PieSeries DataFieldY="Data" ColorField="Color" NameField="Fruit"
<telerik:RadButton RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" Text="ChangeDataSource" AutoPostBack="false" OnClientClicked="OnClientClicked1">

See Also