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CreateColumnEditor Event
Fired -after- the NeedDataSource event of the grid (which is raised right after the PageLoad event) and -before- any postback events for controls on the page/user control.
Event Parameters
sender- The control that fires the event
Event arguments
e.ColumnGets or sets the GridEditor asociated column.
e.ColumnEditorGets or sets the column editor that have been created.
Attaching the event
In the Markup
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" OnCreateColumnEditor="RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor">
In the Code behind
protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadGrid1.CreateColumnEditor += RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor;
The event handler
protected void RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor(object sender, GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs e)
GridColumn column = e.Column;
IGridColumnEditor columnEditor = e.ColumnEditor;
Attaching a custom column editor programmatically
In a CreateColumnEditor event handler, you can attach an instance of your custom editor to a column by assigning the e.ColumnEditor parameter of the handler:
protected void RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs e)
GridBoundColumn column = e.Column as GridBoundColumn;
if (column != null && column.DataField == "ShipAddress")
e.ColumnEditor = new MyMultiLineTextBoxColumnEditor(column);
if (column != null && column.DataField == "OrderDate")
e.ColumnEditor = new MyDateColumnEditor(column);