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CreateColumnEditor Event

Fired -after- the NeedDataSource event of the grid (which is raised right after the PageLoad event) and -before- any postback events for controls on the page/user control.

Event Parameters

  • (object) sender

    • The control that fires the event
  • (GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs) e

    • Event arguments

      • (GridColumn) e.Column

        Gets or sets the GridEditor asociated column.

      • (IGridColumnEditor) e.ColumnEditor

        Gets or sets the column editor that have been created.

Attaching the event

In the Markup

<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" OnCreateColumnEditor="RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor">

In the Code behind

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
    RadGrid1.CreateColumnEditor += RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor;

The event handler

protected void RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor(object sender, GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs e)
    GridColumn column = e.Column;
    IGridColumnEditor columnEditor = e.ColumnEditor;


Attaching a custom column editor programmatically

In a CreateColumnEditor event handler, you can attach an instance of your custom editor to a column by assigning the e.ColumnEditor parameter of the handler:

protected void RadGrid1_CreateColumnEditor(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.GridCreateColumnEditorEventArgs e)
    GridBoundColumn column = e.Column as GridBoundColumn;
    if (column != null && column.DataField == "ShipAddress")
        e.ColumnEditor = new MyMultiLineTextBoxColumnEditor(column);
    if (column != null && column.DataField == "OrderDate")
        e.ColumnEditor = new MyDateColumnEditor(column);

See Also