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This event is fired after the cell is closed.

Fired byRadGrid
Argumentscell - gets the currently edited cell row - gets the currently edited row column - gets the currently edited column columnUniqueName - gets the UniqueName of the edited column tableView - gets the TableView in which the edited item is located
Can be canceledNo


<telerik:radgrid id="RadGrid1" datasourceid="SqlDataSource1">
    <MasterTableView EditMode="Batch">
          <ClientEvents OnBatchEditClosed="BatchEditClosed" />
function BatchEditClosed(sender, args) {
    var row = args.get_row();
    var cell = args.get_cell();
    var tableView = args.get_tableView();
    var column = args.get_column();
    var columnUniqueName = args.get_columnUniqueName();
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