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Localizing the Command Item

The default messages, button text and images in the CommandItem can be localized using the following properties in GridTableView.CommandItemSettings object:


Text localization
AddNewRecordTextThe text for the Add new record button.
RefreshTextThe text for the Refresh button.
ExportToExcelTextThe text for the Export to Excel button.
ExportToPdfTextThe text for the Export to PDF button.
ExportToCsvTextThe text for the Export to CSV button.
ExportToWordTextThe text for the Export to Word button.


Image localization
AddNewRecordImageUrlThe URL for the Add new record button image.
RefreshImageUrlThe URL for the Refresh button image.
ExportToExcelImageUrlThe URL for the Export to Excel button image.
ExportToPdfImageUrlThe URL for the Export to PDF button image.
ExportToCsvImageUrlThe URL for the Export to CSV button image.
ExportToWordImageUrlThe URL for the Export to Word button image.


AddNewRecord/RefreshButtons IDs
AddNewRecord button IDInitInsertButton
RefreshButton IDRebindGridButton
Export to Excel button IDExportToExcelButton
Export to PDF button IDExportToPdfButton
Export to CSV button IDExportToCsvButton
Export to Word button IDExportToWordButton
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