Events Overview
Gantt also supports a number of client-side events that helps you further customize the behavior of the control. Below you can find a list of the available ones that you can use.
The R2 2021 release introduces more client-side events that help for a better control over the RadGantt client-side functionality.
Gantt - Client Events
OnClientKendoWidgetInitializing - Occurs just before the Kendo Widget is initialized.
OnClientLoad - Occurs when control's client-side object is initialized as well as the underlying Kendo UI Widget.
OnClientInserting - Occurs when a new task or a new dependency is about to be added.
OnClientRemoving - Occurs when a task or a dependency is about to be removed.
OnClientTaskEditing - Occurs when the user starts task edit upon double click on a cell or a task element.
OnClientTaskSaving - Occurs when a task field is updated upon user interaction.
OnClientTaskUpdateCancel - Occurs when the user cancels tasks's cell editing.
OnClientRequestStart - Occurs when a request to the WebService is about to be sent.
OnClientRequestEnd - Occurs when a response from the Web Service is received.
OnClientRequestFailed - Occurs when a request to the remote service fail.
OnClientTaskMoveStart - Occurs when the Task moving is started.
OnClientTaskMoving - Occurs when the Task is just about to be moved.
OnClientTaskMoveEnd - Occurs when the Task moving is ended.
OnClientTaskResizeStart - Occurs when the Task resizing is started.
OnClientTaskResizing - Occurs when the Task is just about to be resized.
OnClientTaskResizeEnd - Occurs when the Task resizing is ended.
OnClientNavigationCommand - Occurs when the current View is changed.
OnClientTaskSelectionChanged - Occurs when the user selects a task in the Gantt.
OnClientTogglePlannedTasks - Occurs upon Toolbar PlannedTasks Switch click.