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The client-side Init event is raised just before the RadFileExplorer client-side object is initialized.
To handle this event, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of this function as the value of the OnClientInit property of the control.
The client-side OnClientInit event handler receives one argument:
- Sender: The RadFileExplorer object that fired the event.
Example 1: Handle the RadFileExplorer's client-side Init event.
<telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server" OnClientInit="onClientInit">
<Configuration ViewPaths="~/Images" DeletePaths="~/Images" UploadPaths="~/Images"/>
function onClientInit(fileExplorer) {
var foldersPane = fileExplorer.get_treePane();