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Client-side Programming Overview

RadFileExplorer has a number of client-side properties and methods that you could use:

Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorer methods

add_delete(eventHandler)Sets the the name of the JavaScript function called when the user tries to delete a file.
remove_delete(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_delete() method.
add_createNewFolder(eventHandler)Sets the the name of the JavaScript function called when a new folder is created
remove_createNewFolder(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_createNewFolder() method.
add_fileOpen(eventHandler)Sets the name of the JavaScript function called when an item is double clicked in the grid.
remove_fileOpen(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_fileOpen() method.
add_folderChange(eventHandler)Sets the name of the JavaScript function called when the the selected folder in the tree changes.
remove_folderChange(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_folderChange() method.
add_folderLoaded(eventHandler)Sets the name of the JavaScript function called when a folder is loaded in the grid.
remove_folderLoaded(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_folderLoaded() method.
add_itemSelected(eventHandler)Sets the name of the JavaScript function called when the user selects an item in the explorer.
remove_itemSelected(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_itemSelected() method.
add_load(eventHandler)Sets the name of the JavaScript function called when the control loads in the browser.
remove_load(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_load() method.
add_move(eventHandler)Set the name of the JavaScript function called when the user tries to rename/move a file or folder.
remove_move(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_move() method.
add_copy(eventHandler)Set the name of the JavaScript function called when the user tries to copy a file or folder.
remove_copy(eventHandler)Removes the function declared in the add_copy() method.
createNewDirectory(path, newName)Creates a new directory. The path parameter should be a virtual path. In case that the second parameter is not specified a radprompt dialog appears and asks for the new name.
deleteItem(item, showConfirmDialog)Deletes an item (folder or file). The parameter is of type Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItemType.File or Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItemType.Directory The second parameter is optional and indicates whether to show the confirmation dialog or delete the file immediately. The default value is true
deleteItem(path, showConfirmDialog)Deletes an item. The parameter is the virtual path to the item; it starts with the / RootProjectFolder /PathToTheItem.The second parameter is optional and indicates whether to show the confirmation dialog or delete the file immediately. The default value is true
get_currentDirectory()Returns a string value that represents the path to the currently selected directory. The returned path is a virtual path, such as /RootProjectFolder/SelectedDir
set_currentDirectory(value,addToStack)Change the currently selected directory. The first parameter is the new path, relevant to the root path of the project : /RootProjectFolder/NewPath. The second parameter accepts a Boolean value that determines whether the current change of the directory to be stored in the Previous – Next stack
get_currentPermissions()Returns the permissions of the currently selected folder in the TreeView
get_element()Returns a reference to the DIV that wraps RadFileExplorer .
get_enableOpenFile()Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the files can be open in the preview window.
set_enableOpenFile()Accepts a Boolean value that indicates whether the files can be open in the preview window.
getFileExplorerItemFromNode(node)Gets the Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItem by the passed Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeNode object
get_fileList()Returns a reference to the FileList object. Returns 'null' when the FileList is not visible, i.e. only the RadTreeView is shown
get_grid()Returns a reference to the RadGrid's object.
get_listView()Returns a reference to the embedded RadListView object. Returns 'null' when the embedded ListView is not visible
get_gridContextMenu()Returns an object of type Telerik.Web.UI.RadContextMenu . This is the context menu that appears over the RadGrid’s area.
get_ajaxLoadingPanel()Returns an object of type RadAjaxLoadingPanel and then you can use its client side API and manipulate that object.
get_windowManager()Returns a reference to the RadWindowManager object. You can use that object’s client-side API and attach event handlers to the newly opened windows.
get_pathSeparator()Returns the symbol used as path separator
get_allowPaging()Returns whether the Grid's paging is enabled
get_addressBox()Returns the ID of the input that shows the currently selected folder (AddressBox). Returns an empty string when the AddressBox is not visible
get_newFolderDefaultValue()Returns the default text that is shown in the CreateNewFolder dialog
set_newFolderDefaultValue(newDefaultName)Sets the default folder name that will be shown in the CreateNewFolder dialog
get_id()Returns the ID of the control.
get_selectedItem()Returns the first selected item ( Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItem )
get_selectedItems()Returns an array of the selected item on the Grid items. The items are of type Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItem
open(item)Opens the item in a new RadWindow if it is a file. Else, opens the folder in the RadGrid.The parameter is optional and if not specified the current selected item will be used.
clearFolderCache()Clears the cached data on the browser
deleteSelectedItems(showConfirmDialog)Performs delete operation for all of the currently selected items on the Grid. showConfirmDialog - this parameter is optional and indicates whether to show the confirmation dialog or delete the files immediately. The default value is true
get_toolbar()Returns a reference to the RadToolBar object.
get_tree()Returns a reference to the RadTreeView object.
loadFolder(path,addToStack)Loads a new folder and sets the focus on it. The second parameter accepts a Boolean value that determines whether the current change of the directory to be stored in the Previous – Next stack
refresh()Refresh the current folder.
filter(keyWord)Filters the items in the currently selected directory.
addFileNameInvalidChar(char)Adds additional characters to the file name invalid characters list. Default list is ['\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '
removeFileNameInvalidChar(char)Removes items from the file name invalid characters list. Default list is ['\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '

Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorer.FileList Methods


NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
dataBind()Bind the already provided data(use set_dataSource(data)) to the underlying bindable control
bindToServerData(serverData, pageIndex)object, integerBind the data to the underlying bindable control
bindToData(data)ArrayShortcut method for set_dataSource(data); dataBind().
get_dataSource()ArrayGet the data source provided to the control
set_dataSource(data)ArraySet the data needed for the data bindable control
get_pageSize()integerGet the page size as maximum number of items per page
set_pageSize(value)integerSet the size of the page, i.e. the maximum number of items per page
get_control()objectGet a reference to the underlying bindable control
get_contextMenu()objectGet a reference to the context menu that is utilized by the file list
get_fileExplorer()objectGet a reference to the RadFileExplorer that used this instance of FileList
get_element()DOM ElementGets the DOM element, where the file list resides.
get_items()ArrayGet the items displayed in the file list.
get_selectedItems()ArrayGet the selected items from the file list
getSelectedFiles()ArrayGet the selected files(Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItem) from the file list
get_selectedItem()objectGet the first selected item from the file list
selectFile(file)objectSelect an item from the file list
selectFileByName(fileName)stringSelect a file item from the file list by the provided name
selectFileList(fileNames)ArraySelect a list of files by their names
selectDefaultFile()Try to select a default item from the file list. Usually this is the first item, or none if list is empty
clearSelection()Clear any item selection in the file list
findFileByName(fileName)stringobjectFind a file by its name
findFileByPath(path)stringobjectFind a file by its path
get_grid()objectGet a reference to the grid control that displays the list of files if such is being used to display the items
get_listView()objectGet a reference to the list view control that displays the list of files if such is being used to display the items
open(item)objectOpen the corresponding file item. If directory, the explorer navigates to it and displays its content
focus()Focus the underlying control's DOM element
focusPagerControl()Focus the paging control of the file list
attachEventHandlers(toAttach)booleanAttach/detach the event handlers
showFolderFileList(folderPath)stringShow the content of a folder. This method takes advantage of a cached folder content, if the folder has already been loaded
refreshFileList(folderPath)stringForce a server call to collect the content of the folder
sort(sortExpression)stringSort the file list
showPageContent(startIndex, pageSize)integer, integerShow the content of a particular page
filterList(keyWord)stringFilter the file list by the provided keyword. This method raises a filter event
doFiltering(keyWord)stringFilter the file list by the provided keyword. This method does not raise a filter event
serverFilter(keyWord)stringForce the server to do the filtering
clientFilter(keyWord)stringFilter the file list on the client only. Note that only the items displayed items will be filtered, i.e. paged content will filter only the current page
clearFilter()Clears the filtering by reseting the filter and clearing the filter text box
dispose()Disposes the control. Does not dispose the underlying bindable control


get_path()Returns the virtual path to the item
get_newPath()When "Rename" is performed returns the new name of the item. When the "Move" is performed returns the new destination of the moved folder (see the OnClientMove example bellow)
get_item()Returns an object of type Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItem


get_type()Returns the type of the item – one of the enumerable values in theTelerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItemType enumerable
get_permissions()Returns the applied current permissions to the item - enumerable value of type Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerItemPermissions
get_name()Returns the name of the item
get_path()Returns the virtual path to the item
get_extension()Gets the extension of the item - txt for example if it is a text file, ‘null’ when the selected item does not have extension(i.e. if the selected item is a folder)
get_size()Returns the size of the currently selected item. NaN if the selected item is a folder
get_url()Has the same functionality as the get_path() function
isDirectory()Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the selected item is a folder or not