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The client-side FileOpen event is raised when a file is opened in RadFileExplorer.

To handle this event, simply write a JavaScript function that can be called when the event occurs. Then assign the name of this function as the value of the OnClientFileOpen property of the control.

Example 1 shows how to cancel the FileOpen event. This approach is useful in cases where you need to control the way RadFileExplorer handles files. In this case we are instructing RadFileExplorer to open JPEG images directly in the browser and not in RadWindow.

The client-side OnClientFileOpen event handler receives two arguments:

  1. Sender: The RadFileExplorer object that fired the event.

  2. Event arguments: An event arguments object of type Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorerEventArgs that exposes the following methods:

    Table 1: OnClientFileOpen Event Arguments Object

    NameParametersReturn TypeDescription
    get_cancel()BooleanReturns a value that indicates whether the event is cancelled.
    get_item()ObjectReturns the file that will be opened.
    get_path()StringReturns the path to the file that will be opened.
    set_cancel(value)BooleanSets whether the event will be cancelled (if true is passed).

Example 1: Handle the RadFileExplorer's client-side FileOpen event.

<telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server" OnClientFileOpen="onClientFileOpen">
    <Configuration ViewPaths="~/Images" DeletePaths="~/Images" UploadPaths="~/Images" />
    function onClientFileOpen(fileExplorer, args) {
        var item = args.get_item();
        if (item && !item.isDirectory() && (item.get_extension() == "jpeg" || item.get_extension() == "jpg")) {
            //file is a a JPEG image, do not open a new window.          
            //tell browser to open file directly          
            window.location.href = item.get_url();

See Also

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