Export to PDF
You can export RadDiagram to PDF on the client. This is done in two simple steps (Example 1):
Get a reference to the client-side object of the underlying Kendo UI diagram as described in the Overview help article.
Call the saveAsPDF method of the client-side object of the diagram.
RadDiagram has a composite property PdfSettings that exposes properties for configuring the settings of the exported PDF file. You can find a full list of the properties in the API reference of the Pdf class.
The export to PDF functionality is currently supported in Firefox, Chrome, IE10+ and Opera 15.0+ (Blink).
Example 1: Export a diagram to PDF via the saveAsPDF method.
<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server">
<PdfSettings FileName="diagram.pdf" Title="Diagram Exported to PDF" />
<LayoutSettings Type="Tree" Subtype="Down" Enabled="true">
<ClientEvents OnLoad="onLoad" />
<telerik:DiagramShape Id="DiagramShape1"></telerik:DiagramShape>
<telerik:DiagramShape Id="DiagramShape2"></telerik:DiagramShape>
<FromSettings Connector="Top" ShapeId="DiagramShape1" />
<ToSettings Connector="Bottom" ShapeId="DiagramShape2" />
<StrokeSettings />
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad(diagram) {
var diagramWidget = diagram.get_kendoWidget();
The saveAsPDF method is a shortcut for exportPDF, which is less straightforward and you need to set the export settings on the client if you use it. Example 2 shows how to export a diagram via the exportPDF method.
Example 2: Export a diagram to PDF via the exportPDF method.
<telerik:RadDiagram ID="RadDiagram1" runat="server">
<LayoutSettings Type="Tree" Subtype="Down" Enabled="true">
<ClientEvents OnLoad="onLoad" />
<telerik:DiagramShape Id="DiagramShape1"></telerik:DiagramShape>
<telerik:DiagramShape Id="DiagramShape2"></telerik:DiagramShape>
<FromSettings Connector="Top" ShapeId="DiagramShape1" />
<ToSettings Connector="Bottom" ShapeId="DiagramShape2" />
<StrokeSettings />
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLoad(diagram) {
var diagramWidget = diagram.get_kendoWidget();
diagramWidget.exportPDF().done(function (data) {
dataURI: data,
fileName: "diagram.pdf"