Please try this.
<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart1" runat="server" Width="700" />
<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChart2" runat="server" Width="700" />
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int seriescnt = 15;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
Random rand = new Random();
for (int i = 0; i < seriescnt; i++)
dt.Columns.Add("Data" + i.ToString(), typeof(int));
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
dr = dt.NewRow();
for (int i = 0; i < seriescnt; i++)
dr[i] = rand.Next(100);
// RadChart1
RadChart1.DataSource = dt;
RadChart1.AutoLayout = true;
for (int i = 0; i < seriescnt; i++)
RadChart1.Series[i].Type = ChartSeriesType.Line;
RadChart1.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.Visible = true;
RadChart1.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.MainColor = RadChart1.Series[i].Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor;
RadChart1.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid;
RadChart1.PlotArea.XAxis.Step = 1;
RadChart1.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = true;
RadChart1.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "AutoScale = true";
RadChart1.Skin = "LightGreen";
// RadChart2
RadChart2.DataSource = dt;
RadChart2.AutoLayout = true;
for (int i = 0; i < seriescnt; i++)
RadChart2.Series[i].Type = ChartSeriesType.Line;
RadChart2.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.Visible = true;
RadChart2.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.MainColor = RadChart2.Series[i].Appearance.FillStyle.MainColor;
RadChart2.Series[i].Appearance.PointMark.FillStyle.FillType = Telerik.Charting.Styles.FillType.Solid;
RadChart2.PlotArea.XAxis.Step = 1;
RadChart2.PlotArea.XAxis.AutoScale = false;
RadChart2.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = "AutoScale = false";
Q1. PointMark depends on the chart's skin. You can find some PointMarks on Chart1, but nothing in Chart2. Why?
Q2. Why are the PointMarks from 8th series to the last series in Chart1 invisible?
Q3. What is wrong with the X-axis of the second chart?
I need help.
Thank you.