Using Microsoft's Auto generated OData Connected Service -vs- Calling OData endpoints directly. Which is preferred? (Blazor &.Net 8)

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John asked on 09 May 2024, 05:36 PM

I have a dozen OData Endpoints that provide all my data access. I am currently using the autogenerated OData Connected Service that uses the Microsoft OData Client to access the endpoints from services in my Blazor ServerSide app. 

The Telerik Blazor components seem to be geared around using Telerik.DataSource & Telerik.DataSource.Extensions to access the OData Endpoints directly.

Is there a best practice or method for accessing OData Endpoints with Telerik components? 



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answered on 14 May 2024, 07:24 AM

Hello John,

The Telerik.Blazor.Extensions namespace provides a ToODataString() method, which can help you get data from an OData endpoint. The method basically serializes the paging, sorting and filtering criteria from the OnRead event argument (args.Request). You can then append the string to the endpoint URL. Here is a REPL example.

You will notice that ToODataString() doesn't support grouping and there is a feature request about that. (I voted for it on your behalf.) So, you can either append grouping information to the OData string manually, or fetch all data items initially, bind the Grid with a Data parameter and let the Grid group on its own.

On a side note, ToDataSourceResult() from Telerik.DataSource.Extensions is a built-in enhancement, but it's not required to always use it. Another option is to get the request parameters from the DataSourceRequest object and for example, use standard query methods Skip(), Take(), Where(), OrderBy(), etc.

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