Hi Team,
I am facing issue with rad dock. the probelm is like i have tree view in the lefthand side(its a master page) and right hand rad dock ( in child page) and report viewer conttrol below the raddock as show in the ScreenShot1(attached document). then when i click view button he report is generate in the report viewer control and my left hand side tree view menu collpases automatically as show in the screenshot 2(attached document).then when i expand my left hand side tree view , the expand/collapse icon on the right side of raddock is not apperaing as show in screenshot3(attached document) so i am not able to expand and collapse the raddock plz help on this issue.
Thank You,
I am facing issue with rad dock. the probelm is like i have tree view in the lefthand side(its a master page) and right hand rad dock ( in child page) and report viewer conttrol below the raddock as show in the ScreenShot1(attached document). then when i click view button he report is generate in the report viewer control and my left hand side tree view menu collpases automatically as show in the screenshot 2(attached document).then when i expand my left hand side tree view , the expand/collapse icon on the right side of raddock is not apperaing as show in screenshot3(attached document) so i am not able to expand and collapse the raddock plz help on this issue.
Thank You,