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Transfer data between ORG Chart and List box

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Alaa' asked on 09 Apr 2014, 10:01 AM
I'm trying to use drag and drop to transfer a row from list box to chart as the demo example (Transfer Employees) but with single binding, i handle the server function  AjaxRequest and  bind the new data to chart  ,, but on screen it doesn't show new data !!! 

    Protected Sub GeneralManeger_AjaxRequest(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.AjaxRequestEventArgs)
        Dim seps As Char() = {"-"c}
        Dim textAndIds As String() = e.Argument.Split(seps, StringSplitOptions.None)
        Dim sep As Char() = {":"c}
        Dim stringIds As String() = textAndIds(2).Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim ids As Integer() = New Integer(stringIds.Length - 1) {}
        For i As Integer = 0 To stringIds.Length - 1
            ids(i) = Int32.Parse(stringIds(i))
        If textAndIds(0) = "drop" Then
            Dim newText As String = textAndIds(1)
            Dim node As OrgChartNode = AdminOccupationsChart.GetNodeByHierarchicalIndex(ids)
            Dim row = (From myRow In Occupations_List.AsEnumerable() Where myRow.RecordName = newText Select myRow).SingleOrDefault
            ChartList.Add(New Entities.Extensions.AnonymousTypes.HirarchicalClass With {.ClusterCode = row.ClusterCode, .PropertyCode = row.PropertyCode, .RecordCode = row.RecordCode, .ParentRecordCode = node.ID, .OriginalRecordCode = row.OriginalRecordCode, .RecordName = row.RecordName, .RecordNameAlternate = row.RecordNameAlternate})
AdminOccupationsChart.DataSource = ChartList
        OccupationsList.DataSource = Occupations_List
     End Sub

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Telerik team
answered on 11 Apr 2014, 11:26 AM
Hello Alaa,

I have tested the demo scenario in case of  single binding and it worked correctly at my side. The only different is to add correctly the dropped item in your datasource with parentId equal to id of the node dropped on and id of the current node.

Unfortunately the provided code is not sufficient to find out what exactly is not working correctly at your side. 


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answered on 11 Apr 2014, 09:30 PM
thank plamen for your replay , every thing is ok with drag and drop in my project .
now i try to apply remove person as the example transfer employees , in script function remove person
function removePerson(e) {
                  var orgChart = $find("<%= RadOrgChart1.ClientID %>");
                  var index = orgChart._extractGroupItemFromDomElement(;
                  var hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._extractNodeFromDomElement(;
                  hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._getRealHierarchicalIndex(hierarchicalIndex); //gets the right index if drill down is on
                  $find("<%= RadAjaxManager1.ClientID %>").ajaxRequest("remove-" + index + "-" + hierarchicalIndex);
and i don't have grouping its a single binding .. how i can get the real hierarchical ? it doesn't return  a hierarchical  just the index on the level not hierarchical 

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answered on 12 Apr 2014, 04:46 PM
every thing is run ok .. thank you 
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answered on 12 Apr 2014, 06:42 PM
now it get the right hierarchical index and go to server to ajaxrequest event correctly 
but by one click on remove it go to the event twice !! and remove two nodes at once ! 
help me please why it happen ?? 
Telerik team
answered on 16 Apr 2014, 12:47 PM
Hello Alaa,

I have tested the described scenario and it worked correctly at my side once again. It sound like it is caused by command that you use when you delete the nodes in your custom binding scenario. If you still can't figure it out please share the exact code that you use when you bind and remove nodes so we could be more helpful with a possible solution.


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answered on 17 Apr 2014, 07:20 AM
thanks plamen ,
this a sample of my code , the main different between the original code that i bind the data from Database. 

Imports Telerik.Web.UI
Public Class test1
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
    Private Occupations_List As New List(Of OrgChartData)
    Private ChartList As New List(Of OrgChartData)
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If Session("ORGList") Is Nothing Then
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub FillOccupationsList()
        Dim Item As New OrgChartData
        Item.ClusterCode = "1"
        Item.PropertyCode = "1"
        Item.RecordCode = "001"
        Item.ParentRecordCode = Nothing
        Item.OriginalRecordCode = "001"
        Item.RecordName = "Occupation1"
        Item.RecordNameAlternate = "Oocupation1"
        Item.ClusterCode = "1"
        Item.PropertyCode = "1"
        Item.RecordCode = "002"
        Item.ParentRecordCode = Nothing
        Item.OriginalRecordCode = "002"
        Item.RecordName = "Occupation2"
        Item.RecordNameAlternate = "Oocupation2"
        Item.ClusterCode = "1"
        Item.PropertyCode = "1"
        Item.RecordCode = "003"
        Item.ParentRecordCode = Nothing
        Item.OriginalRecordCode = "003"
        Item.RecordName = "Occupation3"
        Item.RecordNameAlternate = "Oocupation3"
        If False Then
            OccupationsList.DataTextField = "RecordNameAlternate"
            OccupationsList.DataTextField = "RecordName"
        End If
        OccupationsList.DataKeyField = "RecordCode"
        OccupationsList.DataSource = Occupations_List
    End Sub
    Private Sub FillAdminOccupationChart()
        Dim item As New OrgChartData
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1"
        item.ParentRecordCode = Nothing
        item.RecordName = "Propery1"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Propery1"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "1"
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1|1"
        item.ParentRecordCode = "1|1"
        item.RecordName = "Unit1"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Unit1"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "1"
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1|2"
        item.ParentRecordCode = "1|1"
        item.RecordName = "Unit2"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Unit2"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "2"
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1|3"
        item.ParentRecordCode = "1|1|1"
        item.RecordName = "Unit3"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Unit3"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "3"
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1|4"
        item.ParentRecordCode = "1|1|1"
        item.RecordName = "Unit4"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Unit4"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "4"
        item.ClusterCode = "1"
        item.PropertyCode = "1"
        item.RecordCode = "1|1|1|005"
        item.ParentRecordCode = "1|1|3"
        item.RecordName = "Occupation5"
        item.RecordNameAlternate = "Occupation5"
        item.OriginalRecordCode = "005"
        AdminOccupationsChart.DataFieldID = "RecordCode"
        AdminOccupationsChart.DataFieldParentID = "ParentRecordCode"
        AdminOccupationsChart.DataTextField = "RecordNameAlternate"
        AdminOccupationsChart.DataSource = ChartList
        AdminOccupationsChart.EnableDrillDown = True
        AdminOccupationsChart.EnableGroupCollapsing = True
        Session("ORGList") = ChartList
    End Sub
    Private Sub GetDataFromSession()
        ChartList = New List(Of OrgChartData)
        ChartList = Session("ORGList")
        For Each item In ChartList
    End Sub
    Protected Sub GeneralManeger_AjaxRequest1(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.AjaxRequestEventArgs)
        Dim seps As Char() = {"-"c}
        Dim textAndIds As String() = e.Argument.Split(seps, StringSplitOptions.None)
        Dim sep As Char() = {":"c}
        Dim stringIds As String() = textAndIds(2).Split(sep, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
        Dim ids As Integer() = New Integer(stringIds.Length - 1) {}
        For i As Integer = 0 To stringIds.Length - 1
            ids(i) = Int32.Parse(stringIds(i))
        If textAndIds(0) = "drop" Then
            Dim newText As String = textAndIds(1)
            Dim node As OrgChartNode = AdminOccupationsChart.GetNodeByHierarchicalIndex(ids)
            Dim rows = (From myRow In Occupations_List.AsEnumerable() Where myRow.RecordName = newText Select myRow).SingleOrDefault
            Dim imageUrl As String = ""
            Dim emloyeeId As String = ""
            Dim recordcode = rows.RecordCode
            Dim ParentCode = node.ID
            ChartList.Add(New OrgChartData With {.ClusterCode = rows.ClusterCode, .PropertyCode = rows.PropertyCode, .RecordCode = recordcode, .ParentRecordCode = ParentCode, .OriginalRecordCode = rows.OriginalRecordCode, .RecordName = rows.RecordName, .RecordNameAlternate = rows.RecordNameAlternate})
        ElseIf textAndIds(0) = "remove" Then
            Dim node As OrgChartNode = AdminOccupationsChart.GetNodeByHierarchicalIndex(ids)
            Dim nodeid = node.ID
            Dim item = (From i In ChartList Where i.RecordCode = nodeid).SingleOrDefault
        End If
        AdminOccupationsChart.DataSource = ChartList
        Session("ORGList") = ChartList
    End Sub
End Class
Public Class OrgChartData
    Public Property RecordCode
    Public Property ParentRecordCode
    Public Property RecordName
    Public Property RecordNameAlternate
    Public Property OriginalRecordCode
    Public Property PropertyCode
    Public Property ClusterCode
End Class

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="test1.aspx.vb" Inherits="WebApplication1.test1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head runat="server">
       <style >
           .qsf-demo-canvas {
     background-position: -50px 35px;
     position: relative;
           .qsf-demo-canvas .occupationlist {
           .rocRemoveItemButton {
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
           <telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="Script1" runat="server" >
         <script type="text/javascript" >
             var $ = $telerik.$;
             function OnClientDropping(sender, args) {
                 var orgChart = $find("<%= AdminOccupationsChart.ClientID%>");
                 var itemText = args.get_sourceItem().get_text().trim();
                 if (args.get_htmlElement().className.indexOf("rocItem") != -1 || $(args.get_htmlElement()).parents(".rocItem").length > 0) {
                     var id = orgChart._extractNodeFromDomElement(args.get_htmlElement())._nodeData.Id
                     var NodesforDrop = DropsNode.Get("Value").split(';');
                     for (i = 0 ; i <= NodesforDrop.length; i++) {
                         if (NodesforDrop[i] == id) {
                             var hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._extractNodeFromDomElement(args.get_htmlElement())._getHierarchicalIndex();
                             hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._getRealHierarchicalIndex(hierarchicalIndex); //gets right index if drill down is on
                             $find("<%= GeneralManeger.ClientID%>").ajaxRequest("drop-" + itemText + "-" + hierarchicalIndex);
             function OnClientDragging(sender, args) {
             function pageLoad() {
                 $(".rocRemoveItemButton").click(function myfunction(e) {
             function removeoccupation(e) {
                 var orgChart = $find("<%= AdminOccupationsChart.ClientID%>");
            var index = orgChart._extractGroupItemFromDomElement(;
            var hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._extractNodeFromDomElement(
            hierarchicalIndex = orgChart._getRealHierarchicalIndex(hierarchicalIndex);
            $find("<%= GeneralManeger.ClientID%>").ajaxRequest("remove-" + index + "-" + hierarchicalIndex);
         <telerik:RadAjaxManager ID="GeneralManeger" runat="server" OnAjaxRequest="GeneralManeger_AjaxRequest1"  >
                                        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="GeneralManeger"  >
                                            <UpdatedControls >
                                                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="OccupationsList" LoadingPanelID="ORGChartLoadingPanel" />
                                                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="AdminOccupationsChart" LoadingPanelID="ORGChartLoadingPanel" />
                                        <telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="AdminOccupationsChart">
                                                <telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl  ControlID="AdminOccupationsChart" LoadingPanelID="ORGChartLoadingPanel" />
           <telerik:RadAjaxLoadingPanel runat="server" ID="ORGChartLoadingPanel" Visible="true"  />
           <div class="occupationlist">
            <telerik:RadListBox ID="OccupationsList" runat="server" EnableDragAndDrop="false"   Width="200px" Height="400px"
                                    OnClientDragging="OnClientDragging"    OnClientDropping="OnClientDropping"    >
             <div class="orgchart">
         <telerik:RadOrgChart ID="AdminOccupationsChart"  runat="server" LoadOnDemand="NodesAndGroups" EnableCollapsing="true"
                                          EnableDragAndDrop="false"  GroupColumnCount="2" >
                                              <strong id="Name"> <%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "RecordName")%></strong>
                                             <button id="DeleteBtn"  title="Remove" class="rocRemoveItemButton"   />
                 <asp:Label ID="label1" runat="server" />
Telerik team
answered on 21 Apr 2014, 11:01 AM

I have tested the code provided but there was a server side error when I ran it. I have inspected the code and it looks like the issue is caused by the way you load your data. In such case I would recommend you to keep the exact a structure that is suggested in the demo and just remove the code that is needed for the group enabled binding.

Hope this information will be helpful.


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