Hi there,
I'm using RadAjaxManager (Q1 2008) in implementing Ajax calls to populate a dropdown list based on the value selected in another dropdown list. The ajax declarations are as shown below:
<telerik:RadAjaxManager runat="server" ID="radAjaxMgr">
<telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="ddlFunction">
<telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="ddlvalues" LoadingPanelID="Loadingpanel5" />
"ddlFunction" is dropdown list "Function", and ddlvalues is dropdown list "Values". The 2 dropdowns are placed one below the other in the page, along with 3 more dropdowns after these, all one below the other. The strange problem here is that, when the page is rendered, I notice a gap between the dropdown "Values" and the next dropdown.
Now this is causing appearance problem. But when I remove Ajax declarations for the dropdowns "Function" and "Values", there is no gap between the "Values" dropdown and the next dropdown.
I have used similar Ajax declarations in another page, where the scenario is again to populate a dropdown based on value selected in another dropdown. In this page, I have 2 link buttons aligned to the right of the 2 dropdowns. When the page is rendered, I notice that the first link button remains aligned to the right of the first dropdown, but the second link button gets placed below the second dropdown. Why does this "extra gap" appear in when I add Rad Ajax settings, but does not appear when Rad Ajax settings are not used?
I'm using RadAjaxManager (Q1 2008) in implementing Ajax calls to populate a dropdown list based on the value selected in another dropdown list. The ajax declarations are as shown below:
<telerik:RadAjaxManager runat="server" ID="radAjaxMgr">
<telerik:AjaxSetting AjaxControlID="ddlFunction">
<telerik:AjaxUpdatedControl ControlID="ddlvalues" LoadingPanelID="Loadingpanel5" />
"ddlFunction" is dropdown list "Function", and ddlvalues is dropdown list "Values". The 2 dropdowns are placed one below the other in the page, along with 3 more dropdowns after these, all one below the other. The strange problem here is that, when the page is rendered, I notice a gap between the dropdown "Values" and the next dropdown.
Now this is causing appearance problem. But when I remove Ajax declarations for the dropdowns "Function" and "Values", there is no gap between the "Values" dropdown and the next dropdown.
I have used similar Ajax declarations in another page, where the scenario is again to populate a dropdown based on value selected in another dropdown. In this page, I have 2 link buttons aligned to the right of the 2 dropdowns. When the page is rendered, I notice that the first link button remains aligned to the right of the first dropdown, but the second link button gets placed below the second dropdown. Why does this "extra gap" appear in when I add Rad Ajax settings, but does not appear when Rad Ajax settings are not used?