If you use the Blazor repl link below and make the dimensions of the signature pad relatively large and you draw two lines in quick succession it sometimes doesn't draw the second line correctly.
For example, if I make the width 1000px and the height 400px (or more) and attempt to use my mouse to write my own name which starts with a D, I can draw the vertical line first and if I draw the curved line to complete the D too quickly it will sometimes draw a straight line from start to finish rather than following the curve that I made with the mouse. It's like there's some sort of lag occurring before you can draw a second line. If I wait a couple seconds before drawing the second line it works. The larger you make the signature pad the more pronounced this issue is. You can also see this if you use your mouse to draw several random lines in quick succession.
When the dimensions are smaller, say 500px x 200px it mostly works okay, but if I have a user running a big ipad pro then having to limit the signature pad size like that isn't going to work very well. Is there any way to resolve this?