I am using the RadEditor control. The RadEditor is wrapped into a user (ascx) control, and then multiple instances of this user control are being used on a web forms (aspx) page.
I would like to use the ToolProviderID property so that all instances of the RadEditor use the same tools markup and script. However, the RadEditor instances are in different naming containers, so I cannot simply use the ID property of the RadEditor. From a post on your forum (http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/editor/use-toolproviderid-when-radeditor-in-itemtemplate.aspx) I should be able to use the ClientId property of the first RadEditor control as the ToolProviderId value for all of the subseqent rad editors.
I would like to set the ToolPRoviderId property of the RadEditor controls programmatically. My question to you is how early in the ASP.Net eventing pipeline do I have to set this property so that the markup and scripts will be correctly injected into the page?
I find that if I set these properties in the PageLoad event of the containing web forms page via data binding, the ToolProviderId behavior is not correct, since excessive script and markup are inserted into the page. If I set this propery in the OnInit event of the radEditor in the user control (the earliest I can do it in the user control), then everything works fine.
Do you have any guidance of how early in the ASP.Net event pipeline I need to set the ToolProviderId for it to work properly?
Thanks for the help!