Is it possible to serialize a RadGrid and then use it as a control in the server side?
client side:
var grid = $find('<%= gvQuery.ClientID %>');
$.get("asynchronous/getSearchResults.ashx", { "grid": grid }, function(data) {
// use data
and in the getSearchResults.ashx Handler:
RadGrid grid = (RadGrid)context.Request["grid"];
what do I need to set to use the RadGrid like this? so I can separate the process of searching for a result and give a fancy smooth experience to the user without wasting to much bandwidth.
The second attempt would be go row by row and create a JSON from the selected items, but this is a little bit overkill as I need to create hidden fields for each row and set them correctly (client-side) per each type of search the user selects... per row...
Thank you.