We have a display problem with Scheduler control when we have 15 minutes time slots. After we set MinutesPerRow="15" we started seeing the problem. We have the DayStartTime="06:00:00" DayEndTime="22:00:00". If the appointment was done for a chunk of time longer than 12 hours, the calendar gets only visually blocked for 12 hours. I have out of office set on my scheduler from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. but the property seetings MinutesPerRow="15" has caused my calendar visually blocked only for 12 hrs (which is till 6:00pm) and it is supposed to block till 10:00pm . See the attached screen shots. rs3.jpg is after we set MinutesPerRow="15" and rs5.jpg is with default MinutesPerRow settings. Please suggest a solution for this problem.
<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" EnableEmbeddedSkins="True"
Height="630px" Skin="Outlook" DayStartTime="06:00:00" DayEndTime="22:00:00" TimeZoneOffset="00:00:00"
DataKeyField="REP_APPT_ID" OnClientAppointmentDoubleClick="OnClientAppointmentDoubleClick"
OnClientTimeSlotClick="OnClientTimeSlotClick" DataSubjectField="Subject" CustomAttributeNames="RECUR_SERIES_ID"
DataStartField="START_DT_TIME" DataEndField="END_DT_TIME" AllowDelete="false"
AllowEdit="false" AllowInsert="false" ShowViewTabs="false" NumberOfHoveredRows="1" MinutesPerRow="15" TimeLabelRowSpan="2"
HoursPanelTimeFormat="h:mm tt"