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RadHtmlChart with PolarAreaSeries: issue with binding X-Axis label values

2 Answers 174 Views
Chart (HTML5)
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Lorenzo Righini
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Rank 1
Lorenzo Righini asked on 15 Apr 2014, 09:23 AM
Hi, I'm using Telerik.Web.UI v. 2014.1.403.45
I have a chart in my page to display wind polar data.
The chart is binded to SqlServer data, and the query result data are displayed correctly (i.e. the chart is binded to the data source).
What is not working is the x-axis label data binding: i set the DataLabelsField field to have a textual value displayed, instead of the numeric one, but nothing happens, and the numeric data is not replaced.

                 <telerik:RadHtmlChart ID="radHtmlChart" runat="server" Width="1024px" Height="768px" Transitions="true">
                            <XAxis StartAngle="90" Reversed="true" Type="Category" Visible="true" DataLabelsField="TXT">
                                <telerik:PolarAreaSeries Name="WindData" DataAngleField="DEGR" DataRadiusField="NUM">

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Lorenzo Righini
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Rank 1
answered on 16 Apr 2014, 07:28 AM
now I know that DataLabelsField cannot be used with RadHtmlChart X-Axis.
So the question is: is it possible to change the label, that display degrees (for PolarAreaSeries) , with textual content (for ex. for wind direction, 0° correspond to North direction).

Thanks for the attention
Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 17 Apr 2014, 02:37 PM
Hi Francesca,

You can use the following code in order to achieve that:

    function pageLoad() {
        var chart = $find("<%=PolarAreaChart.ClientID%>");
        chart._chartObject.options.xAxis.labels.template = "#if(value == 0) {# East #} else if (value == 90) {# South #} else if (value == 180) {# West #}  else if (value == 270) {# North #} #";
<telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" ID="PolarAreaChart" Width="500px" Height="500px" Transitions="true">
        <Appearance Visible="false"></Appearance>
            <telerik:PolarAreaSeries Name=">6.2 knots">
                <MarkersAppearance Visible="false" />
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="125" Radius="1.3"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="138" Radius="3.6"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="152" Radius="4"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="166" Radius="2.2"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="180" Radius="1.3"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="194" Radius="4.5"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="208" Radius="5.8"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="222" Radius="4.6"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="235" Radius="1.1"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="249" Radius="3"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="263" Radius="5.8"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="277" Radius="6.2"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="291" Radius="4.1"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
                    <telerik:PolarSeriesItem Angle="305" Radius="0.4"></telerik:PolarSeriesItem>
        <XAxis Step="30"></XAxis>

You may also find useful the following resources:
   - ADD templates for the x-axis in RadHtmlChart

Danail Vasilev

Check out the Telerik Platform - the only platform that combines a rich set of UI tools with powerful cloud services to develop web, hybrid and native mobile apps.

Chart (HTML5)
Asked by
Lorenzo Righini
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Lorenzo Righini
Top achievements
Rank 1
Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
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