hi again my friends
I have new question about radgrid, I have two columns one for Edit & the other for Delete & I want to merge the two actions under one column, can we do something like this in the radgrid? how?
Make use of GridTemplateColumn in order to achieve this. Place the Edit and Delete buttons in ItemTemplate and place the insert/update, cancel buttons in EditItemTemplate of GridTemplateColumn. See the sample code:
thank you Shinu :) this is working..
now I want to make confirm message for the delete command, how can it be done here? and how can I make the (update) ,(delete) and (cancel) as image button ?
I tried from poperties> master table view> EditFormSetting> EditClumn > for both (update) and (cancel) I put the button type = imageButton, but it still give me as link button :(