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RadEditor, UpdatePanel and Firefox 3(.0.6)

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Joshua asked on 06 Feb 2009, 10:03 PM
RadEditor becomes unresponsive when inside an UpdatePanel in Firefox 3.0.6. You can see this behavior on your demo site on the spell checker demo. To duplicate this error, select "Multiple Dictionaries", which causes a partial page postback. Now try to use the editor. The only usable portion of the editor for me is the "Html" and "Preview" tabs. After navigating to either, when you navigate back to "Design" view the editor is usable again. If the ToolbarMode is set to ShowOnFocus, the toolbar will also be usable again. Is this a know issue? Is there anywork around?

From your demo site:
<asp:ScriptManager id="ScriptManager" runat="server"/>     
     <asp:UpdatePanel id="UpdatePanel1" runat="server"
        <div class="bigModule"
        <div class="bigModuleBottom"
                <table width="100%"
                        <td valign="top" class="text"
                            Choose tools file: 
<asp:radiobuttonlist repeatdirection="Horizontal" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" 
cssclass="text" id="RadioButtonListDictionaryMode" 
runat="server" autopostback="True"
             <asp:listitem value="SingleDictionary" selected="True">Single Dictionary</asp:listitem> 
                                <asp:listitem value="MultipleDictionaries">Multiple Dictionaries</asp:listitem> 
            <telerik:radeditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" SkinID="BasicSetOfTools" Height="400px"
     <img alt="product logo" src="../../Img/productLogoLight.gif" />is the successor of the well known industry standard Editor for ASP.NET. The tight integration with ASP.NET AJAX and the powerful new capabilities make Telerik's WYSIWYG Editor a flexible and lightweight component, turning it into the fastest loading Web Editor. Among the hottest features are: 
                    <li><em>Single-file, drag-and-drop deployment</em></li
                    <li><em>Built on top of ASP.NET AJAX</em></li
                    <li><em>Unmatched loading speed with new semantic rendering </em></li
                    <li><em>Full keyboard accessibility</em></li
                    <li><em>Flexible Skinning mechanism</em></li
                    <li><em>Simplified and intuitive toolbar configuration</em></li
                    <li><em>Out-of-the-box XHTML-enabled output</em></li


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Telerik team
answered on 10 Feb 2009, 08:53 AM
Hi Joshua,

I tried to reproduce the reported problem but unfortunately without success. Could you please, see the attached video which demonstrates my test and let me know what I am missing?

Thank you for your assistance in advance.

the Telerik team

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answered on 10 Feb 2009, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the reply. I'm not sure what's missing. The following is my relevant system information if it helps:
  • Asp.NET 3.5 SP1
  • Microsoft XP SP3
  • Firefox 3.0.6 (fails with/without extensions)
You can download a video demo here:
Telerik team
answered on 13 Feb 2009, 02:08 PM
Hello Joshua,

The problem is really odd because on the same browsers without adds-on the problem is reproducible only on one of them. Unfortunately, we are still not able to recreate the problem on different FF 3.0.6 browsers on our end.

Could you please delete your cache and try to reproduce the problem again? You can try to refresh the page with Ctrl+Shift+R or Ctrl + Shift + Del and delete the cache.

If this does not solve the problem, you can try to fix it and make the editor editable by firing the editor's
client-side methods after the ajax update.

Best regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 24 Mar 2009, 05:15 PM
I'm having the same problem in FireFox 3.0.7.  After a partial postback (inside RadAjaxPanel), the toolbar ceases to function.  Every time I click a toolbar button, it moves to the top of the screen and does nothing else.  This issue doesn't occur in IE7.

I've tried these workarounds, to no avail:
function AjaxResponseEnd(sender, eventArgs) {
            var radEditor = $find('<%= HtmlEditor.ClientID %>');

I've had similar issues with RadGrid inline editing: the dropdowns no longer work and clicking confirm doesn't actually save the edits.
Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2009, 05:33 PM
Hello Jeremy,

Could you please, try to reproduce the problem with the latest Q1 2009 build of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX?

In case you still experience the problem with v.2009.1.311.20, please send a fully working project that demonstrates the problem along with instruction on how to reproduce it on our side. We will examine your code and provide a solution after that.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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