I have a masked textbox in the edit form of my grid. The field is displaying locker combinations which should be in the format:
## ## ##
where # can be any digit 0-9. Here is the code for the texbox:
The problem is that when I go to edit a row the combination
01 29 03
displays as __ 01 29
and when I click in the masked input box it changes to
01 __ 29
Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?
## ## ##
where # can be any digit 0-9. Here is the code for the texbox:
<EditItemTemplate> |
<telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="RadMaskedTextBox1" runat="server" |
Text='<%# Bind("Combo1") %>' Mask="## ## ##" |
DisplayMask="## ## ##" Width="50px" DisplayPromptChar="_"> |
</telerik:RadMaskedTextBox> |
</EditItemTemplate> |
The problem is that when I go to edit a row the combination
01 29 03
displays as __ 01 29
and when I click in the masked input box it changes to
01 __ 29
Can anyone help me with what I am doing wrong?