Sorry but I changed the content of this post, so please ignore the title. I can't modify it.
I use a DataTable for an input data to draw a line chart.
And there are some empty values.
I successed to draw with empty values, but the lines that go through empty values are shown as dotted lines.
I just want to show solid connected line between non-empty values.
For example,
Y = { 10, 12, empty, 15, empty 16, 20, empty }
I just want to show a solid line that connects through 10 - 12 --- 15 --- 16 -20.
How can I change the line type to solid when the source data has some empty values?
I have tried,
series.Appearance.EmptyValue.Line.Color = Color.Transparent;
series.Appearance.EmptyValue.Line.PenStyle = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle.Solid;
But both of them shows no line between non-empty values.
Thank you.