We have a web forms page with multiple rad editors on it. All editors have the ContentFilter property set to "DefaultFilters". Upon clicking a postback button, there is a lag in the submission due to the contentfilters of the radEditors being applied.
I am trying to optimize performance by only turning on those filters that are necessary to insure XHTML compliance of the output. There is a filter titled "ConvertToXhtml". Additionally, there are filters titled "ConvertFontToSpan" and "FixUlBoldItalic". If I have "ConvertToXhtml" turned on, are these other two filters redundant, since when you convert the content to XHTML, won't it convert <font> and <u> tags to <span> tags? If so, should I just apply the "ConvertToXhtml" filter and turn these other two filter off?
Also, I have followed your guideline on optimizing RadEditor performance (for example, http://www.telerik.com/community/forums/aspnet-ajax/editor/radeditor-performance-issue.aspx and http://www.telerik.com/support/kb/aspnet-ajax/editor/radeditor-loads-slowly-high-cpu-utilization.aspx). Do you have any other recommendations for speeding up the processing of the RadEditor content by the ContentFilters?
Thanks so much for your assistance.