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No postbacks After RadGrid loads for the First Time

4 Answers 58 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
BSL Support
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Rank 1
BSL Support asked on 23 Mar 2010, 04:48 PM

i have been working with radgrid for over a year and never came across this problem.
i have a custom query which i run and get a datatable and assign this as a data source to the grid.
it loads fine for the first time, but when i try to get different data on

SelectedIndexChanged event for a drop down, it doesnt trigger the postback event.
i have made sure the autopostback property is set to true on the drop down and i also made sure i am not loading the dropdown on postbacks.

i have a published page which works fine but when i try to run it on localhost it doesnt postback.

i have been trying to find a fix for two days and couldnt figure it out. can you kindly help me with this. its important i fix this soon.

thank you,


4 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 26 Mar 2010, 01:54 PM
Hello Murali,

I tried to replicate the issue which you described, but to no avail.
Attached to this post, you will find the code which I used for testing.

Please take a look at it and let me know if there are any differences at your end, which I may be leaving out.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team

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BSL Support
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Rank 1
answered on 29 Mar 2010, 04:48 PM

Thank you for your prompt reply, i have tested several scenarios with radgrid and different autopostback events and they all work fine.
But i have three webpages which have been working fine until last week but now they dont anymore and nothing has changed on those pages. For your better understanding i am going to attach code snipets ....  the page works just fine when i limit my query results to a few groups, but when i try to get all groups it fails. could you kindly work on this particular scenario with groups upto 41 and tell me what i am doing worng. Thank you very much, help is much apprciated.


*************************  ASPX - Page *********************************


@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/MasterPages/WAN_MP.master" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="MaintenanceExpenses.aspx.vb" Inherits="Reports_aspx_pages_MaintenanceExpenses" title="Maintenance Expenses" %>



@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>




asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="MP_CPH1" Runat="Server">









<td align="center" colspan="2">



<h3>Maintenance Expenses</h3>















<b>Year: </b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;



<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl_year" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true">


















<td colspan="2">



<hr />












<td colspan="2">



<telerik:RadGrid ID="rg_ExpenseReport" AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">















<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldAlias="Community" FieldName="Community"></telerik:GridGroupByField>



<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldAlias="MaintenanceType" FieldName="MaintenanceType"></telerik:GridGroupByField>









<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldName="Community"></telerik:GridGroupByField>



<telerik:GridGroupByField FieldName="MaintenanceType"></telerik:GridGroupByField>















<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="Community" Display="false" HeaderText="Community" />



<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="MaintenanceType" Display="false" HeaderText="Maintenance Type" />



<telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="MaintenanceDesc" HeaderText="Maintenance Desc" />



<telerik:GridTemplateColumn UniqueName="TemplateColumn">






<table id="Table1" style="font-size:small" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="100%" border="1">






<td align="center" colspan="2">Jan</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Feb</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Mar</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Apr</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">May</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Jun</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Jul</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Aug</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Sep</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Oct</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Nov</td>



<td align="center" colspan="2">Dec</td>





























































































<table id="Table2" style="font-size:xx-small" width="100%">






<td title="Jan_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jan_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Jan_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jan_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Feb_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Feb_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Feb_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Feb_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Mar_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Mar_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Mar_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Mar_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Apr_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Apr_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Apr_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Apr_Variance")%></td>



<td title="May_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("May_Actual")%></td>



<td title="May_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("May_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Jun_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jun_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Jun_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jun_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Jul_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jul_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Jul_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Jul_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Aug_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Aug_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Aug_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Aug_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Sep_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Sep_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Sep_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Sep_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Oct_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Oct_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Oct_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Oct_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Nov_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Nov_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Nov_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Nov_Variance")%></td>



<td title="Dec_Actual" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Dec_Actual")%></td>



<td title="Dec_Variance" style="width:4.16%"><%#Eval("Dec_Variance")%></td>



































************************ VB - Page ***********************************
























Class Reports_aspx_pages_MaintenanceExpenses



Inherits System.Web.UI.Page



Dim utils As New Utilities



Dim clsmain As New clsMain



Dim clsdata As New clsData



Dim clscommunities As New clsCommunities



Dim clsaccounting As New clsAccounting



Dim glbl_props As New GlobalProperties




Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


glbl_props =

CType(Session("Globals"), GlobalProperties)


clsmain.UserID = glbl_props.UserID


If Not IsPostBack Then



Dim dt As DataTable = clsmain.GetRefTypeValues("ReportYears")


utils.Load_Drop_Down_List(ddl_year, dt,

"Description", "ItemValue", "NULL")



End If



End Sub



Public Function CreateReport() As DataTable



Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable


dt = clscommunities.mGetAllOpenCommunities()


Dim sFilter As String = "GL00100.actnumbr_2=090" 'All Maintenance expenses



Dim VarianceAmt As Decimal = 0.0, ActualAmt As Decimal = 0.0



Dim ExpenseDesc As String = "", ExpenseType As String = ""



Dim ReportName As String = "Expenses Report_" & clsmain.UserID



'Removing all old entries



"DELETE FROM tbl_rpt_Temp_Generic_2 WHERE UserName='" & ReportName & "'", "SEC")



Dim months As Integer = 12



If Date.Now.Year.ToString = ddl_year.SelectedValue Then


months =




End If



For i As Integer = 0 To dt.Rows.Count - 1



For j As Integer = 1 To months



Dim query As String = ""



Dim dt_Expenses As DataTable = clsaccounting.GetGLAccountSummary(dt.Rows(i).Item("GPNum"), ddl_year.SelectedValue.ToString, j.ToString, False, sFilter)



If dt_Expenses.Rows.Count <> 0 Then



For k As Integer = 0 To dt_Expenses.Rows.Count - 1



Select Case dt_Expenses.Rows(k).Item("ACTNUMBR_1").ToString.Trim



Case "71950", "71800", "71850", "71700", "71600", "71400"


ExpenseType =

"Fixed Maintenance Expenses"



Case "71000", "71010", "71050", "71200", "72100"


ExpenseType =

"Controllable Maintenance Expenses"



Case Else



Continue For



End Select


ExpenseDesc = dt_Expenses.Rows(k).Item(



ActualAmt = utils.CheckForNull(dt_Expenses.Rows(k).Item(



VarianceAmt = utils.CheckForNull(dt_Expenses.Rows(k).Item(

"BudgetTotal")) - utils.CheckForNull(dt_Expenses.Rows(k).Item("PERDBLNC"))


query = query &

" INSERT INTO tbl_rpt_Temp_Generic_2 (UserName,FieldText1,FieldText2,FieldText3,FieldText4,FieldDecimal1,FieldDecimal2) " _



" VALUES ('" & ReportName & "','" & dt.Rows(i).Item("CommunityShortName") & "','" & ExpenseType & "','" & ExpenseDesc & "','" & j & "'," & ActualAmt & "," & VarianceAmt & ")"









End If









Dim sql As String = "SELECT FieldText1 as Community,FieldText2 as MaintenanceType,FieldText3 as MaintenanceDesc," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=1 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Jan_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=1 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Jan_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=2 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Feb_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=2 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Feb_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=3 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Mar_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=3 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Mar_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=4 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Apr_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=4 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Apr_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=5 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as May_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=5 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as May_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=6 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Jun_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=6 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Jun_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=7 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Jul_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=7 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Jul_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=8 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Aug_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=8 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Aug_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=9 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Sep_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=9 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Sep_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=10 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Oct_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=10 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Oct_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=11 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Nov_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=11 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Nov_Variance," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=12 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal1) ELSE Null END) as Dec_Actual," _



"SUM(case When fieldtext4=12 THEN CONVERT(decimal (10,0),FieldDecimal2) ELSE Null END) as Dec_Variance " _



"FROM tbl_rpt_Temp_Generic_2 WHERE UserName='" & ReportName & "' GROUP BY FieldText1,FieldText2,FieldText3"



Return clsdata.RunSQLReturnDT(sql, "SEC")



End Function



Sub ddl_year_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddl_year.SelectedIndexChanged




End Sub



Sub rg_ExpenseReport_NeedDataSource(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs) Handles rg_ExpenseReport.NeedDataSource



Dim dt As DataTable = CreateReport()


rg_ExpenseReport.DataSource = dt


End Sub








Telerik team
answered on 01 Apr 2010, 08:59 AM
Hello Murali,

I have examined your code and noticed that you have set the AutoEventWireup property to false.
Please enable it, so that the Handles keyword attaches events properly.

the Telerik team

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Telerik team
answered on 01 Apr 2010, 09:00 AM
Hello Murali,

I have examined your code and noticed that you have set the AutoEventWireup property to false.
Please enable it, so that the Handles keyword attaches event handlers properly.

the Telerik team

Do you want to have your say when we set our development plans? Do you want to know when a feature you care about is added or when a bug fixed? Explore the Telerik Public Issue Tracking system and vote to affect the priority of the items.
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BSL Support
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Telerik team
BSL Support
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