I have a basic .net8 project , the VS template one, I following the instructions to hook up telerik to it.
The btn works.
I then added a grid, which shows up, but I see no records in it. I dont see what I am doing wrong.
razor page:
@page "/GridTester"
<TelerikLoaderContainer Visible="@ldrVisible" Class="no-panel">
<span>Please wait, I am currenlty working on it...</span>
<GridLayoutColumn Width="100%"></GridLayoutColumn>
<GridLayoutRow Height="@strAppMsgHT"></GridLayoutRow> @*App Msg*@
<GridLayoutRow Height="@strGridHT"></GridLayoutRow> @*Report Grids *@
<GridLayoutItem Row="1" Column="1" >
<TelerikButton OnClick="@SayHelloHandler"
ThemeColor="@ThemeConstants.Button.ThemeColor.Primary">Say Hello</TelerikButton>
<GridLayoutItem Row="2" Column="1" ColumnSpan="2">
<TelerikGrid @ref="@gridOrderListDetails"
code behind stuff for the Grid:
public TelerikGrid<rtpOrderListDetailsResults> gridOrderListDetails { get; set; } // grid on the webpage
private List<rtpOrderListDetailsResults> grdOrderListDetails { get; set; }
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strConn);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strCMDToRun, con);
da.SelectCommand.CommandTimeout = 540000;
foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
if (dt.Columns.Count == 1)
ResultRow = new rtpOrderListDetailsResults();
ResultRow.PON = row["Result"] as string;
ResultRow = new rtpOrderListDetailsResults();
ResultRow.PON = row["PON"] as string;
ResultRow.Customer_ID = (Int64)row["Customer_ID"];
ResultRow.Customer_Name_Billing = row["Customer_Name_Billing"] as string;
ResultRow.Parent_Name = row["Parent_Name"] as string;
ResultRow.TN = row["TN"] as string;
ResultRow.Nbr_Of_Actual_Lines = (Int32)row["Nbr_Of_Actual_Lines"];
if (row["CreatedDT"] != DBNull.Value)
d = DateOnly.FromDateTime((DateTime)row["CreatedDT"]);
ResultRow.CreatedDT = d;
if (row["DueDT"] != DBNull.Value)
d = DateOnly.FromDateTime((DateTime)row["DueDT"]);
ResultRow.DueDT = d;
ResultRow.Current_Status = row["Current_Status"] as string;
if (row["Current_StatusDT"] != DBNull.Value)
d = DateOnly.FromDateTime((DateTime)row["Current_StatusDT"]);
ResultRow.Current_StatusDT = d;
// ResultRow.Current_StatusDT = row["Current_StatusDT"] as DateTime?;
ResultRow.Provisioner_Assigned = row["Provisioner_Assigned"] as string;
ResultRow.Agent_Is = row["Agent_Is"] as string;
ResultRow.Carrier = row["Carrier"] as string;
ResultRow.Carrier_ID = (Int32)row["Carrier_ID"];
ResultRow.Provisioning_Process = row["Provisioning_Process"] as string;
ResultRow.Class = row["Class"] as string;
ResultRow.Provisioning_Age_Days = (Int32)row["Provisioning_Age_Days"];
ResultRow.Order_Type = row["Order_Type"] as string;
ResultRow.Line_Type = row["Line_Type"] as string;
ResultRow.Line_Description = row["Line_Description"] as string;
ResultRow.State = row["State"] as string;
ResultRow.Open_Related_Orders = row["Open_Related_Orders"] as string;
ResultRow.Channel = row["Channel"] as string;
ResultRow.Bill_Profile = row["Bill_Profile"] as string;
ResultRow.MRC_ChargesAmt = (decimal)row["MRC_ChargesAmt"];
ResultRow.MRC_Line_ChargesAmt = (decimal)row["MRC_Line_ChargesAmt"];
ResultRow.Cancel_Reason = row["Cancel_Reason"] as string;
ResultRow.Hold_Reason = row["Hold_Reason"] as string;
ResultRow.Prime = row["Prime"] as string;
ResultRow.Cycle_Is = (Int32)row["Cycle_Is"];
// ResultRow.Impacted_By_COVID19 = row["Impacted_By_COVID19"] as string;
ResultRow.Term_Nber_Of_Months = (Int32)row["Term_Nber_Of_Months"];
ResultRow.Upload = row["Upload"] as string;
ResultRow.Download = row["Download"] as string;
ResultRow.AMProjectManager = row["AMProjectManager"] as string;
grdOrderListDetails = RptResults;
if (gridOrderListDetails.Data.Count() > 0)
if (grdOrderListDetails.Count > 0)
strTaskDone = "Completed";
strTaskDone = "Me Sad";
This has data: grdOrderListDetails.Count
But this is NULL: gridOrderListDetails.Data