I have created a page for users to set up there web page. Part of this page allows the user to select a skin for the grid control. TO make it easier for the user toe select the skin the want I have used the RadComboBox and I show the skin name and the image from the grid folder.
When I create a custom skin for the grid control and go to the grid folder to get teh display image it is showing me the same image as the menu. It does not have same grid image as the standard skins. Is this an error with the skin builder site. I have also noticed that when creating the skin the first tab show the wrong image it is the menu image, but when you go to fine tune it shows the whole grid.
When I create a custom skin for the grid control and go to the grid folder to get teh display image it is showing me the same image as the menu. It does not have same grid image as the standard skins. Is this an error with the skin builder site. I have also noticed that when creating the skin the first tab show the wrong image it is the menu image, but when you go to fine tune it shows the whole grid.