All Telerik .NET tools and Kendo UI JavaScript components in one package. Now enhanced with:
It seems that s deals with k-picker but how to do good css ?
Hi Jean-François,
To hide the TelerikDropDownList border upon clicking, you can use the following CSS style:
<style> .k-picker-solid.k-focus { box-shadow: none; } </style> <TelerikDropDownList Data="@myDdlData" TextField="MyTextField" ValueField="MyValueField" Width="300px" @bind-Value="selectedValue"> </TelerikDropDownList> @code { public class MyDdlModel { public int MyValueField { get; set; } public string MyTextField { get; set; } } int selectedValue { get; set; } = 3; IEnumerable<MyDdlModel> myDdlData = Enumerable.Range(1, 20).Select(x => new MyDdlModel { MyTextField = "item " + x, MyValueField = x }); }
Please run and test the above sample to see whether the result matches what you are looking for.
Regards, Hristian Stefanov Progress Telerik