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Having trouble with Skins

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Guy asked on 25 Sep 2009, 01:56 PM
I have just upgraded to the new release, I was on 2008 Q3 before.  I have a control that uses a radToolBar and the skins just don't seem to fit properly anymore whereas I wasn't having any difficulty at all before.

The Control:
<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="TopNavigation.ascx.vb" 
    Inherits="ReDA2Portal.WebUserControl1" %> 
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %> 
<telerik:RadToolBar ID="rtbTopNavigation" runat="server" 
    Width="960px" Skin="WebBlue"></telerik:RadToolBar> 
#Region "Functions and Subs" 
    Sub getSections() 
        Dim dt As DataTable = ReDA2Classes.baseClass.GetDataTable("SELECT * FROM tblsection ORDER BY SectionOrder", ConnStr.ConnectionString.ToString) 
        Dim r As DataRow 
        For Each r In dt.Rows 
            Dim b As New Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarButton(r("SectionName")) 
            b.NavigateUrl = "~/" & r("URL"
            b.Visible = r("IsVisible"
    End Sub 
#End Region 
    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As ObjectByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load 
        If Not Me.IsPostBack Then 
        End If 
    End Sub 

It is being placed in a div on a page:
            <div class="divHeader"
                <div class="divHeaderWrap"
                    <uc1:TopNavigation ID="TopNavigation1" runat="server" /> 
    width: 100%     

And this is what it is showing:

I also have some raddocks and the skins for them don't seem to be displaying properly either.  They look weird in IE7 and are just flat colurs in firefox.  I am pretty certain that both problems are caused by the same issue but I can't find anything at the moment.  They were all working perfectly well on the last version I had which was 2008.3.1125.35 the version I am on now is 2009.2.826.35

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answered on 25 Sep 2009, 02:20 PM

The skins have been changed a little since 2008 release.

You experience this on the same computer and browser , you should make sure to clear the browse cache or press CTRL+F5 to refresh the stylesheets.

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answered on 25 Sep 2009, 03:27 PM
Hi Roland,

I found the cause of the problem with the toolbar, it had some conflicts with my CSS, I have corrected that now but I am still having some issues with the radDocks.  They don't seem to be picking up the texture in firefox and they don't really look the same as the example in IE7 either:



I have commented out my CSS file and the skins still don't pick up the textures for the radDocks so I am pretty sure it isn't a CSS problem this time?

(I also tried ctrl + F5)

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answered on 25 Sep 2009, 03:30 PM
How did you upgrade the project ?

Did you use the menu Telerik -> Upgrade project option ?

Is everything in web.config ok ?
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answered on 25 Sep 2009, 03:47 PM
I did use the Update wizard and everything seems to be fine with the web.config also the skins work fin on another page I have just not for the radDocks:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 
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            where data loss can occur.  
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            to be displayed in place of a error stack trace. 
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            of what to do if/when an unhandled error occurs  
            during the execution of a request. Specifically,  
            it enables developers to configure html error pages  
            to be displayed in place of a error stack trace. 
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        The system.webServer section is required for running ASP.NET AJAX under Internet 
        Information Services 7.0.  It is not necessary for previous version of IIS. 
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            <add name="Telerik_Web_UI_DialogHandler_aspx" path="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler.aspx" type="Telerik.Web.UI.DialogHandler" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0" /> 
            <add name="Telerik_RadUploadProgressHandler_ashx" path="Telerik.RadUploadProgressHandler.ashx" type="Telerik.Web.UI.RadUploadProgressHandler" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0" /> 
            <add name="Telerik_Web_UI_WebResource_axd" path="Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource.axd" type="Telerik.Web.UI.WebResource" verb="*" preCondition="integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0" /> 
        <assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1"
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                <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 
                <assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Extensions.Design" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" /> 
                <bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" /> 

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answered on 25 Sep 2009, 03:55 PM
hmm thats interesting.

There is couple of things to check.

1. Make sure your CSS does not interfere.
2. Make sure you only have one reference to the newest Telerik assembly
3. Close VS and dev server. Clear C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files directory and try again.
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answered on 28 Sep 2009, 08:35 AM
I actually removed my CSS file so it definitely isn't a CSS.  My reference is correct and there are no others to the old dll.

I just deleted the temp internet files but that made no difference either.  I will just leave it for now, it doesn't look too bad in firefox will have to come back to it later.
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