Here is the problem:
When the page first loads, the grid attempts to load the layout defined on the page. This causes a OnRead event to occur as is expected. However, the OnStateInit does NOT fire before this OnRead event. Actually, this is not entirely correct. The initial OnRead is running independent of the OnStateInit, it simply fires and it returns when it feels like it. At some point the OnStateInit fires. I load a saved GridState layout in the OnStateInit event which causes the OnRead to fire again.
This causes a couple problems. The grid will load, and then reload as the args.GridState is set in OnStateInit. This causes ugly page flashing, and two data requests when only one is required. Even worse since both requests are async, you are not sure which layout you will get, since the last one to come back is the one you get, which can and does occur randomly.
I can return no data for the initial request in OnRead, and this does work, however I can find no reliable way inside of the OnRead event to determine which is the initial load I don't want and which is the OnRead fired from the args.GridState set in OnStateInit which I do want.
My question is, how do I prevent the initial grid data request and load?