Could you please lete me know how to implement the Google like filtering in the Hierachy Grid.
Iam able to create the custom column derived from the GrodBoundColumn and able to set the Google like filters.
Iam setting the datasource for the RadCombo in the RAdGRid_Colun Cretaing event as follows
void radGridProducts_ColumnCreating(object sender, GridColumnCreatingEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnType == typeof(GoogleFilterColumn).Name)
e.Column =
new GoogleFilterColumn();
int dbId = (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["INSTR_ID"];
as GoogleFilterColumn).ListDataSource = GetDataTable(query);
As you all know the mastertable would have a dataset ..and the detial table would have its own dataset.
The ColumnCreating event doesn't have any event to identify if its a Mastertable or Detailtable.So even for the Detailtable google filter Iam getting the same list of avlues that was created for the Mastertable as the query is same.
when i clcik the google filter in the detailtable i should have a way to pass a differnt query to fetch the results based on that level