I have a Document Library on my sharepoint site called Data. It contains images, js and css files. I'm trying to point the ImagesPaths property of the RadEditor to this Document Library but when I click to insert an image in the editor, the file list is blank. I'm using the RadEditor MOSS 4.5.4.
private void AddRadEditorControl()
// RadEditor instance to be added
radEditor = new RadEditor();
radEditor.Height = Unit.Pixel(400);
radEditor.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
radEditor.RadControlsDir = "/_wpresources/RadEditorSharePoint/";
radEditor.ShowSubmitCancelButtons = false;
radEditor.ConvertToXhtml = false;
radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[1] { "/Data" };
radEditor.UploadImagesPaths = new string[1] { "/Data" };
radEditor.DeleteImagesPaths = new string[1] { "/Data" };
// finding the place holder that will contain the RadEditor
PlaceHolder plhRadEditor = (PlaceHolder)FindControlRecursive(PLACEHOLDER_CONTENT_EDITOR);
radPanel = new Panel();
// adding the radEditor control
I also tried with the path:
radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[1] { "Data" };
Thank you,
11 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello Thomas,
In the following article you can find information on the ImageManager functionality http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/image_manager.html . There is described how to configure ImagesPaths and ImagesFilters properties of the RadEditor.
I hope that you will find the article helpful.
the Telerik team
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In the following article you can find information on the ImageManager functionality http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/image_manager.html . There is described how to configure ImagesPaths and ImagesFilters properties of the RadEditor.
I hope that you will find the article helpful.
the Telerik team
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answered on 19 Mar 2009, 02:07 PM
Srry, but It didn't help as I'm trying to do it programatically. I have a few questions:
1. What is wrong on my Implementation? (the library is located on www.mosssite.com/Data/).
I already tried radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[1] { "Data" }; and radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[1] { "/Data" }; and radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[1] { "~/Data" }; But when i click to insert an image, no files appear on the dialog.
2. Should I specify a filter or if I don't specify, it will show all the files?
3. Can I specify *.* as a filter?
4. Can I navigate throgh the folders? should I specify any filter to show the folder?
Thank you very much,
Hi Thomas,
You do not need to specify any filters.
Here is the online help on the ImagesPaths property of the ASP.NET editor http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet/editor/radeditor-telerik.webcontrols.radeditor-imagespaths.html . Also please make sure that the currently logged in user of your site has the correct rights for the selected library. In order to view its content he must has at least reading rights for it.
In addition please try to set the ImagesPaths by using the ToolsFile.xml for the original RadEditor for MOSS (not programatically added). Then check if you can see the contents of the library in its ImageManagerDialogue.
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You do not need to specify any filters.
Here is the online help on the ImagesPaths property of the ASP.NET editor http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet/editor/radeditor-telerik.webcontrols.radeditor-imagespaths.html . Also please make sure that the currently logged in user of your site has the correct rights for the selected library. In order to view its content he must has at least reading rights for it.
In addition please try to set the ImagesPaths by using the ToolsFile.xml for the original RadEditor for MOSS (not programatically added). Then check if you can see the contents of the library in its ImageManagerDialogue.
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answered on 20 Mar 2009, 04:37 PM
I solved the problem.
I was adding the RadEditor control programatically. The problem is that the RadEditor object is a .NET object. I had to use the MOSSRadEditor object then. (eg. MOSSRadEditor editor = new MOSSRadEditor). It solved the problem. Doing that, the control recognized the Document Library passed on the ImagesPath property of the object.
radEditor.ImagesPaths = new string[] { "/Data" }; // Data is the name of the Document Library.
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answered on 23 Mar 2009, 11:20 AM
I have a similar problem with the image manager imagepaths property by using the configfile.xml / listconfigfile.xml.
1. if I define the property it has no effect - I defined an item "/it/images" as image path but I allways get the root of the current site
2. how can I modify the property not global for all RadEditor imagemanagers? What I need is a specific imagepath configuration for each site
Thank you and best regards,
I have a similar problem with the image manager imagepaths property by using the configfile.xml / listconfigfile.xml.
1. if I define the property it has no effect - I defined an item "/it/images" as image path but I allways get the root of the current site
2. how can I modify the property not global for all RadEditor imagemanagers? What I need is a specific imagepath configuration for each site
Thank you and best regards,
Hi Markus,
In the following help article you can find information how to create different configuration files for different webs. http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/different-configuration-files-for-different-webs.html
I hope that you will find the article helpful.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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In the following help article you can find information how to create different configuration files for different webs. http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/different-configuration-files-for-different-webs.html
I hope that you will find the article helpful.
Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
Check out Telerik Trainer , the state of the art learning tool for Telerik products.
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answered on 23 Mar 2009, 02:12 PM
Hi sorry, but the anwser was not really helpfull. I'll try again with a bit more explenation:
1. in the confile.xml:
if I define the property it has no effect - I defined an item "/it/images" as image path but I allways get the root of the current site.
It shows the current site root folder and all document libraries below and not only the one I specified.
2. how can I modify the property not global for all RadEditor imagemanagers? What I need is a specific imagepath configuration for each site.
Site means a site on one server - what you mean is a website / different server. I mean one server - one web - different sites like:
- site 1
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
- site 2
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
- site 3
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
e.g. like in this configuration I need to define for each site a imagepath definition like on site 1 show only doclib 2 and e.g. on site 2 show both and so on...
Thank you and best regards,
1. in the confile.xml:
if I define the property it has no effect - I defined an item "/it/images" as image path but I allways get the root of the current site.
It shows the current site root folder and all document libraries below and not only the one I specified.
2. how can I modify the property not global for all RadEditor imagemanagers? What I need is a specific imagepath configuration for each site.
Site means a site on one server - what you mean is a website / different server. I mean one server - one web - different sites like:
- site 1
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
- site 2
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
- site 3
- doclib 1
- doclib 2
e.g. like in this configuration I need to define for each site a imagepath definition like on site 1 show only doclib 2 and e.g. on site 2 show both and so on...
Thank you and best regards,
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answered on 23 Mar 2009, 02:25 PM
I hope it helps.
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answered on 23 Mar 2009, 02:40 PM
Hi Thomas,
we installed the Radeditor like in your Howto as the standard MOSS Richtext editor...
we installed the Radeditor like in your Howto as the standard MOSS Richtext editor...
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 10:19 AM
Hi Thomas,
any news or idea how to handle the issue?
Thank you and best regards,
any news or idea how to handle the issue?
Thank you and best regards,
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 12:47 PM
No srry, I've never had this situation here. Maybe the support team can help you.